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Creating and Restoring Backups of Namespaces

Despite all precautions, it may happen that you want to recover from data loss or want to go back to an older state of a namespace. In this case, you may want to load a backup of a previous state of the namespace.

When operating with backups, please be careful and keep the following information in mind:

  • Backups in the administration menu are always created for an entire namespace. If you want to create a backup copy of a single service, model or form, use the export function in the explorer.

  • Restoring a backup deletes all existing data from the namespace.

Please note that during the restoration of a backup the content of a namespace is completely overwritten with the data from the backup. We recommend to check the permissions of the folders after a backup restoration.

  • If you upload a backup, the included data is not directly available - you need to restore it after upload.

See Restoring a Backup for detailed information.

  • You can only restore the content of an entire namespace from backup files - not single data items from within a backup. If you want to create a backup copy of a single service, model or form use the export function in the explorer.

Go to the Backup and Restore menu to create, manage and restore backups of your namespaces. Menu Backup and Restore contains two buttons:

  • Create New Backup:Use this option to create a new backup from a selected namespace.

  • Upload Backup: Use this option if you want to restore an earlier version of a namespace.

Creating a Backup

Backups are always created for an entire namespace.

Libraries are not included in a namespace backup. If you want to backup a library, use the export functionality in the Controls panel. Refer to Creating a Library for details.

Click Create New Backup to open section Select Namespace and select the namespace you want to back up:


Enter a name for your backup. As soon as field Name contains content and a namespace has been chosen, option Start Backup is enabled:


Confirm the confirmation prompt to start the process:


Various notifications show the progress of the process:

  • Backup process started

  • Creating backup...

  • Backup process finished successfully

The backup is attached to the list of backups:


The list is sorted by creation date and contains the following information:

  • Name

  • Namespace

  • Creation Date

  • Status


Managing Backups

Use the backup list to manage your backups.

Downloading a Backup File

Use option Download to download a backup file:


The zip file will be downloaded to your computer.

If you download a backup file from the Designer administration, the file name is extended by the creation date of the backup (timestamp).

Uploading a Backup File

If you want to upload a backup file, use option Upload Backup to open the section of the same name. Click Browse to select the file you want to upload:


The name of the selected file is displayed. If you want to select a different file, use option Change File. The file's name is also displayed in field Name:


If you download a backup file from the Designer administration, the file name is extended by the creation date of the backup (timestamp).

Change the contents of the Name field of you want to rename the backup before uploading it. Option Confirm is only enabled after you have selected the namespace to which the file is to be uploaded:


If you upload a backup, the included data is not directly available: You need to restore it after upload (see Restoring a Backup for details):

It is possible to upload the same backup file multiple times. However, uploading the same backup multiple times will not overwrite any other backup file. The name of the file will remain the same if you don't change it and the timestamp will be different:


It is highly recommended that you change the name of a backup file before uploading it again. Otherwise you will have to check the columns Namespace and Creation Date to distinguish the files.

Deleting a Backup File

To remove a backup from the list, click Delete:

You need to confirm the deletion in the pop-up window to proceed:


Restoring a Backup

You have two possibilities to restore the content of an entire namespace:

Restoring a backup deletes all existing data from the namespace, and overwrites them with the data from the backup.

Restoring Backups from Earlier Designer Versions

When you use a backup file to restore its contents to a namespace, the data is first restored in the as-is state: An older version of the data structure may be used if the backup has been created in an earlier Designer version or if it was uploaded from another system. After the restore, the version of the database is checked, and any applicable migrations are run, updating the database to the newest version. However, migration is only possible when the database version needs to be increased. Restoring a newer database to a system that uses a lower application version is not supported.

Using a Backup from the List

Select the backup you want to restore with a click:


Section Select Namespace opens. Select the namespace you want to overwrite with the data from the backup. Option Restore is enabled:


You need to confirm the restoration in the pop-up window to proceed:


During the process, a corresponding toast message is displayed:

Using a Downloaded Backup File

If the backup is not available in the list of backups any more, you have to upload the backup file. Use option Upload Backup to open the section of the same name. To select the file you want to upload, click Browse:


The name of the selected file is displayed. If you want to select a different file, use option Change File. The file's name is also displayed in field Name:


If you download a backup file from the Designer administration, the file name is extended by the creation date of the backup (timestamp).

Change the contents of the Name field of you want to rename the backup before uploading it. Option Confirm is only enabled after you have selected the namespace to which the file is to be uploaded:


A notification indicates a successful upload. The uploaded file is added to the list of backups under the chosen name:

Now you can use the uploaded backup to restore the data. First select it with a click:


Then, select the namespace you want to overwrite with the backup data. Option Restore is enabled:


You need to confirm the restoration in the pop-up window to proceed:


During the process, a corresponding toast message is displayed:

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