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The Implementation of the Process

A BPMN process definition is mapped to a UML state machine. The realization of the process has to be implemented by the modeler by overwriting the operations of the assigned persistent state class and sending signals to the state machine.
The mapping to the state machine is done by the E2E MagicDraw BPMN Definition Importer of the E2E Builder. Following the general E2E importer concept, the generated UML mapping is created in a read-only module file, which has to be linked to the UML model file that implements the process.

When importing the business process, the modeler has the option to link the resulting module

  • into an existing UML model or
  • into a new one.

The first option is usually chosen when the business process has been adapted and only the state machine has to be updated.

The second option creates a new implementation model in a new UML file that already overrides the operations and sends the signals. Furthermore, with this option the modeler gets a SOAP-Port type containing operations to test the implemented process immediately. As default behavior, all the generated operations do just log the event when they are called.

The following should explain in a compact way the most important aspects of process implementation. For a more detailed description how the individual components of BPMN are transferred to UML components and what the prerequisites are, please refer to chapter Mapping BPMN to UML.

Example File (Builder project Advanced Modeling\BPMN):

<your example path>\AdvancedModeling\BPMN\uml\BPMNLoanApproval.xml
<your example path>\AdvancedModeling\BPMN\uml\BPMNLoanApprovalServices.xml
<your example path>\AdvancedModeling\BPMN\uml\useBPMNLoanApprovalServices.xml
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