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Troubleshooting MagicDraw 18

Find on this page a list some troubleshooting hints regarding MagicDraw 18.

E2E Types Missing in Specification Dialog


In the specification dialog of an attribute or parameter, types from included modules (e.g. Bridge types) are not displayed in the selection list of the type field.


You should change these filter settings at the very beginning of your work with MagicDraw 18!

You have to change the filter settings to include elements from modules. Select this filter option as shown below:

MagicDraw 18 will remember this setting.

BPMN Diagram Messed up


A MagicDraw 17 model contains a BPMN diagram. After saving this model to MagicDraw 18, the BPMN diagram gets messed up.


Re-import the BPMN diagram to the model. MagicDraw 18 will then create a correct BPMN diagram.

Warnings on Importing an EDIFACT Definition


On importing an EDIFACT definition, you may get the following warning in the notification window:

Some tag values are not loaded. Check magicdraw.log file for details.

In the MagicDraw log file, you will then find a couple of the following errors:

[pool-MagicDraw-thread-20:Reload Module] ERROR FILES - Tag "xmlns:XML" not loaded, tag definition not found.
[pool-MagicDraw-thread-20:Reload Module] ERROR FILES - Tag "xmlns:xmi" not loaded, tag definition not found.
[pool-MagicDraw-thread-20:Reload Module] ERROR FILES - Tag "xmlns:Basic_Structure" not loaded, tag definition not found.
[pool-MagicDraw-thread-20:Reload Module] ERROR FILES - Tag "xmlns:FlatFile" not loaded, tag definition not found.
[pool-MagicDraw-thread-20:Reload Module] ERROR FILES - Tag "xmlns:EDIFACT" not loaded, tag definition not found.


You can ignore these errors. The imported EDIFACT will work nevertheless.

Superfluous Target Pins Generated


When placing a call to a method on the diagram by drag and drop from the containment tree, MagicDraw 18 automatically generates target pins.

However, for static methods this is not necessary.


Just remove the superfluous pin.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.