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The Hierarchy Sidebar

You can use the sidebar to display your projects in a hierarchical structure. The Hierarchy Sidebar shows all projects in all profiles assigned to your user.

Use the Hierarchy Sidebar...

  • get an overview of all profile contents.

  • ... to see how many apps belong to a project.

  • ... to navigate through your projects.

  • ... to create suitable groups for projects or apps.

Showing the Hierarchy Tree

Use option Open Tree to display the Hierarchy Sidebar:

The display of the hierarchy tree starts with an overview of your user profiles. Usde the Plus button to open the first level: The project level.

All projects are displayed in the first level of the profile. You can recognize projects by the green marker:

The displayed icons indicate the possible actions:





Expand the next level.


Hide this level.


No further level available.

Click the Plus to open the next hierarchy level: The app project level. In the app project level, all app projects that have been created in the respective project are displayed. App projects are marked in light red:

If you click Plus again, you open the Process App level. The Process App level represents the lowest level of the hierarchy. It is marked with a dark red bar. All Process Apps created in an app project are listed here:

Functionalities of the Hierarchy Tree

The display of the hierarchy tree is multifunctional:

  • All displayed objects are clickable:

    • A click on a project opens the project editor, the corresponding project can be edited directly.

    • If you click on an app project, the project editor opens and you can directly edit the app projects content.

    • Process Apps will be executed directly from the hierarchy tree if you click on them.

  • The objects can also be dragged from the hierarchy tree into the content area of the cockpit to create new tiles.

Creating a Tile Using the Hierarchy Tree

Drag the element for which you want to create a tile from the sidebar into a group:

The tile is created in the group, the corresponding element is still present in the sidebar:

The configuration option of tiles are explained in detail on The Content Area.

Creating Tiles for a Complete Project

Drag the project from the sidebar into a group:

The dialog Resolve Project opens automatically displaying all available content within the project. All content is selected by default:

Use the checkboxes to deselect the elements for which you do not want to create tiles. Then click Save:

Tiles are only created for the selected contents:

The configuration option of tiles are explained in detail on The Content Area.

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