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Getting the REST Adapter Response

This page explains the REST Adapter in Bridge context. If you were looking for the same information regarding the PAS Designer, refer to REST Adapter in the Designer guide.

In addition to the response parameter, each REST Adapter call also provides the complete adapter response as an output object. The adapter response contains the following:

httpStatusIntegerHTTP status code of the adapter call.500
headersArray of HeaderField

DeprecatedThis attribute is deprecated as of Runtime 2020.11. Please use httpHeaderMap (see below) for new implementations as its implementation complies to the HTTP specification.

HTTP headers of HTTP response.

bodyBlobHTTP body of HTTP response.

Response Object of the REST adapter call.

  • If the adapter had an error, the responseObject is an <<RESTError>> class. It could be the default error class or a specific error class dependent on the <<RESTResponseDefinition>> dependencies and the HTTP status code.
  • If the adapter call had no error, the responseObject is the same as the response output parameter.

httpHeaderMapMap of EntryRuntime 2020.11 Header information as a map. The map contains arrays of header value strings whereas the header name is the key of the map.
  • Header names are lowercase and treated case insensitive.
  • Multiple headers with the same name are treated as arrays.

Refer to HTTP Header Support for more information on the standard xUML HTTP headers.

You can get the response by drawing an object flow from the adapter call to an object of type AdapterResponse as shown below.

Figure: Getting the REST Adapter Response

The object does not necessarily need to be called adapterResponse - you can name it as you like.

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