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Managing File Resources

Accessing the File Manager

The Scheer PAS File Manager enables users of the platform to manage their global resources in one place. This chapter explains how to use the file manager to upload and maintain your resource files. Only users with profile file_manager_user are able to use the application.

Note on File Manager Users

  • Users with file manager permission have access to all uploaded files.

  • The uploaded files are available in all platform applications where an interface for the file manager has been implemented.

You can access the file manager via the corresponding tile in the Scheer PAS Portal:


If you click on the file manager tile, the application will open within the portal:


File Manager vs File Storage

Files that are uploaded in your applications or via the file manager are saved in the file storage. The file manager is the user interface for managing your files.

Overview on the File Manager Page

The file manager page consists of two sections:



Navigation Bar: Use the options in the navigation bar to

  1. upload new file.

  2. delete selected files.

  3. refresh the files' list.

  4. open the extended filter options.

  5. filter the files' list.


  1. File List: All available files are displayed in the sortable table.

Refer to Working With the File Manager for detailed explanations of the navigation bar and files' list options.

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