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Starting and Stopping the Bridge on Linux

Depending on how you have installed the Bridge - Linux or Docker - you can start/stop the Bridge using the e2e_console script or Docker commands.

e2e_console Shell Script for Linux

On Linux systems, folder /etc/init.d/ contains a shell script e2e_console that enables you to start and stop the E2E Console daemon, and to check its status. You need to login to the system as root in order to run the script.

Open a shell on the Linux system and enter the following command :


The system will display the usage of the script.

[root@system]# /etc/
Usage /etc/ (start|stop|restart|status|list) [HOSTNAME]


ParameterDescriptionExampleExample Output
startStart the Bridge specified with HOSTNAME, or start all Bridges.

/etc/ start
/etc/ start

Starting Bridge                          [  OK  ]
Starting Bridge already running          [FAILED]


Stop the Bridge specified with HOSTNAME, or stop all Bridges.

For more information on the implications of stopping the Console service, refer to Stopping the Bridge with e2e_console stop below.

/etc/ stop
/etc/ stop

Stopping Bridge                          [  OK  ]

Stopping Bridge not running              [FAILED]
Stopping Bridge ...........killing      [  OK  ]
Stopping Bridge                         [  OK  ]


Restart the Bridge specified with HOSTNAME, or restart all Bridges.
Restart performs a stop command followed by a start command.

/etc/ restart
/etc/ restart

Stopping Bridge                          [  OK  ]
Starting Bridge                          [  OK  ]

statusDisplay the status of the specified Bridge or of all Bridges running on the system. /etc/ status
/etc/ status
Status of Bridge running
Status of Bridge running
Status of Bridge running
listLists hostname and Bridge home directory of all Bridges running on the system. /etc/ list HOSTNAME CONSOLE_HOME /opt/docu/e2ebridge/e2e_bridge_prog /opt/docu/e2ebridge2/e2e_bridge_prog /opt/docu/e2ebridge3/e2e_bridge_prog

Stopping the Bridge with e2e_console stop

It is recommended to stop all running services before running e2e_console stop.

/etc/ stop stops the Bridge Console service. The following tasks will be performed:

  • If there are still services running on that Bridge, the Bridge will broadcast a shutdown signal to these services, and the services will switch to status shutdown.
  • The script will wait 10 seconds for the services to be all stopped. If not all services could be stopped during this period of time, the Bridge will kill the Console daemon.
  • Nevertheless, the service shutdown will proceed until all services are stopped.
  • Before restarting/updating the Bridge, make sure that all services are stopped - or stick to the tip above.

Starting/Stopping the Bridge with Docker

If you installed the Bridge with Docker, you need to use Docker commands to start or stop the Bridge, resp. the container the Bridge is running in.

Docker provides the following commands for starting and stopping Docker containers:

docker-compose up 

Start Docker containers specified in docker-compose.yml and apply configuration changes.

  • If the container is not existing, a new container is created.
  • If the container is existing, and docker-compose.yml has been changed, the old container is dropped and a new one is created.
  • If nothing has changed, the old container is kept.
Use this command to start a container and and apply changes to the configuration.
docker-compose start Start Docker containers with old configuration. Do not apply configuration changes.Use these two commands to start and stop containers as they are. No changes are applied.
docker-compose stop Stop Docker container.
docker-compose down Stop Docker container and drop it.Use this command to stop a container and remove it.

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