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Working with the Deployment View

Switch to the Model Compiler window. The window provides two vertical tabs on the left border. Select the Deployment View tab and expand some of the files in the tree. Use this view to compile, build, and deploy.

Whenever you modify the component diagram and save the UML model, the Model Compiler will read all deployment descriptors again and refresh the deployment view.

The following items of a Builder project are displayed:

several XMI files, for instance arrayApply.xml and its components
one deployment for each UML model
An icon indicating whether this deployment is running 
or not
. If the service has never been run before, this is indicated by a 
Errors that can be double-clicked to open the diagram where the error occurred.

The color coding helps you to differentiate the different statuses:

blacknot compiled yet
greencompilation was successful
yellowcompilation process reports a warning
redcompilation process reports an error
purpledeployment process reports an error

Context Menus

Apart from the regular menu, the Model Compiler also features context menus. Click an item with the right mouse button to open its context menu.

The context menu of an xUML service allows you to

  • Compile
  • Deploy
  • Run
  • Debug

the corresponding xUML service.

Menu ItemDescription
DebugAllows to debug an xUML service using the Interactive xUML Debugger.
Run and StopAre functions that refer to the Embedded xUML Runtime. The embedded xUML Runtime enables you to run and test services without using the Bridge.
CompileCorresponds to the same function that can be selected in the regular menu item Compile of the Model Compiler window.

Includes a compilation if necessary, and copies the generated JAR file containing the repository files to the Bridge that is defined in the Model Compiler projects settings (menu item Builder > Settings). This menu entry is greyed out when no deployment is defined.

Bridge 7.0.0-beta1 Please note that repositories that have been compiled with a Bridge 7 compiler cannot be deployed to Bridges older than
PropertiesShows the service preferences and settings.

Show Debug View
Show Run View

Open the Debug View window or respectively the Run View window.
Load Dump File
Load Dump File from URL
Allows to view an xUML Runtime dump with the Interactive Debugger.

Authorization on the Bridge

The compilation being successful, you can deploy the compiled xUML service. During deployment you are asked to enter the User and Password for authorization of the Bridge you want to deploy to. The Bridge will verify, if the user is authorized to perform this task.

Enter a user and a password (e.g. admin/admin) and click OK:

The xUML service is being deployed:


Compiling an XMI file, errors or warnings might occur. The Builder will help you to locate errors and warnings.

In the Model Compiler message window, the steps that were successful and information about where an error or warning occurred are displayed. Errors are typically displayed in red color and are marked with a red stop icon

Warnings are displayed in yellow color and are marked with a yellow triangle warning icon

The messages in the Message window are ordered and grouped by course of events.

The Message window can be cleared by clicking the Clear button.

Additionally, these errors and warnings will be listed in the Model Compiler window, too.

To open a window displaying a detailed error or warning description as shown in the picture below, right-click the error or warning message and select Details:

Double-clicking the error or warning message, the Builder opens the XMI file, jumps to the UML element in the containment tree where the error or warning occurred and displays the corresponding activity diagram.

This way it is easy to find out, where the UML diagram has to be corrected.

Remark position in brackets (e.g. position: 1:1) from the error text refers to the line number and column of the action script the erroneous statement begins.

If there is more than one error, try to correct the errors from top to bottom. In many cases, errors that occurred later depend on the first one. Thus, repairing the first error will possibly remove the other errors, too.

After correcting the problem, the UML diagram can be compiled again.

If an xUML service could be compiled or deployed without any errors, the XMI file name and the xUML service name turn green.

If only warnings are reported, the xUML service can be deployed without any problems.

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