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Showing Docker Container Logs

The administration application gives you access to the logs of a Docker container.

You have two options to access the logs:

  • Use option Open logs in the quick actions bar in the services' list:

  • Open the details page of the service, open section Logs and click on the Log Analyzer link:


Both ways will open the logs of the corresponding Docker container in the Log Analyzer where you can view, filter and search the platform logs for all services:


If you access the Log Analyzer for the first time on a newly installed platform, you will have to create an index pattern first. Refer to Analyzing Platform Logs for further details.

Default Retention Time of Log Files

The following retention times are valid for log files of your PAS installation:

  • Container logs: Log files inside all containers are deleted after 7 days.

  • Log Analyzer (OpenSearch) logs:

    • Single cluster: Log files are deleted after 14 days.

    • High Availability cluster: Log files are deleted after 30 days.

  • Integration (Bridge) logs: The default retention time for Bridge logs is 30 days. This is configurable in the UI, refer to Node Instance Preferences.

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