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Other Bridge Installation Problems

Internet Explorer Throws UI Layout Warning


When wanting to access the Bridge with Internet Explorer, a warning similar to the following is displayed:

UI Layout Initialization Warning
The layout-container "DIV/#layout" has no height.


You are trying to access the Bridge with Internet Explorer in Compatibility View. This is not possible.

Change the Compatibility View Settings of Internet Explorer in such a way that the Bridge administration interface is displayed in normal mode:

  • Uncheck Display intranet sites in Compatibility View, if checked.

  • Remove localhost from the list of websites, that are added to compatibility mode.

For more information on the compatibility view refer to Introducing Compatibility View in the Microsoft blogs.

Tomcat Configuration Lost

The Bridge Installer overwrites file server.xml upon updating the Bridge. The old server.xml is copied to server.xml.old. If you changed the server.xml of your Bridge installation (to e.g. apply an individual Tomcat configuration), you can re-apply your changes from the copy.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.