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transliterate() Operation

set aTransliteratedString = aString.transliterate(aTransliterationPattern);

Transliterates a string according to the supplied pattern. The transliteration is implemented by the use of the ICU library. See the ICU User Guide for more information on the transliteration patterns.

SubstitutablesaTransliteratedString, aString Can be any variable or object attribute having the type String.
Can be any variable or object attribute having the type String.
The pattern must correspond to the transliteration patterns (see  ICU User Guide).

This example removes all accents from the given string aString.

set aTransliteratedString = aString.transliterate("NFD; [:M:] Remove; NFC;");

Example File (Builder project E2E Action Language/BaseTypes):

<your example path>\E2E Action Language\BaseTypes\uml\transliterate.xml

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