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Service Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing supplies information about the quality of the service and whether if fulfills the requirements defined during the conceptional phase of the development - with the goal of activating the service with as few bugs as possible.

We support testing by the following concepts and tools:

  • Runtime Analysis and Troubleshooting of Distributed Systems
    With the Trace Analyzer as a part of the Scheer PAS Analyzer it is possible to run test cases and to trace through the UML process flow afterwards. This applies to synchronous processes as well as to asynchronous processes.
    For more information on tracing services refer to the Scheer PAS Analyzer Guide.

  • Unit Testing
    The Designer offers the possibility to perform unit tests. Single classes can be stereotyped as to be testable, so that the class implementation can be tested independently from the rest of the service implementation.
    For more information on the concept of testable classes refer to the following sections.

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