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Updating an xUML Service Image

If you have an xUML service running in a dedicated Docker container, you may want to update

  • the included xUML service repository to a newer version of the service

  • the xUML Runtime with the latest xUML Service Docker image

Updating the Repository

Step 1: Configure the Update Settings

  1. Go to the folder where you have stored your docker-compose.yml file.

  2. Exchange the repository file with a newer one.

Check, whether this folder still contains

  • the Dockerfile that comes with the xUML Service Docker image

  • a valid xUML license

Step 2: Build the new Service Image

Build the dedicated xUML service image with

docker-compose build

You can use this step to change other configuration values. Edit the docker-compose.yml if you want to change anything.

Step 3: Restart the Container

  1. Drop the old container:

    docker-compose down

Dropping the service container also means deleting all local service data (as already mentioned in Installing a Single xUML Service Using Docker).

Start the container by running the following command:

Docker-compose up

To run the container in the background, use:

Docker-compose up -d

Updating the xUML Runtime

Step 1: Extract the Software

Load the xUML Service Docker image with

docker image load -i xuml-<version>.tar

Step 2: Configure the Installation Settings

  1. Go to the folder where you have stored your docker-compose.yml file.

  2. Change the xUML Runtime image version to match the version of the image you want to install.







Specify the name of the Docker image you have loaded in step 1.


You can use this step to change other configuration values or update the service repository (see Updating the Repository).

Step 3: Build the Service Image

Build the dedicated xUML service image with

docker-compose build

Step 4: Restart the Container

  1. Drop the old container:

    docker-compose down

Dropping the service container also means deleting all local service data (as already mentioned in Installing a Single xUML Service Using Docker).

Start the container by running the following command:

Docker-compose up

To run the container in the background, use:

Docker-compose up -d

Perform Some Clean-up

Old images will stay loaded to your Docker installation. From time to time you should clean-up unused and old Docker images using:

docker image rm xuml:<old version>
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