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JavaScript Type Mapping

Base Type Mapping

When using JavaScipt, Base Types (with exception of Any) will automatically be converted to JavaScript types.  If a conversion is not possible, an exception will be thrown (see JavaScript Specifics | Exception-Handling).

The table below shows how base types and JavaScript types are converted:

Base Type

JavaScript Type

Additional Information


The support of type Blob is limited: Blobs cannot be created, but can be assigned to another blob. They have a toString() method which can be called internally to convert Blob to String.












Arrays are not native JavaScript arrays but are injected into the script via xUML parameters behave like standard JavaScript arrays but there are some limitations:

  • Nested/multidimensional arrays are not supported.

  • Assigning arrays between JavaScript and the Designer works both ways, but mentioned limitations are still applicable.

  • Due to a technical limitation resulting from the ECMA standard, Array.isArray(xumlArray) always returns false.

  • xUML array parameters must not have any gaps, and each missing index will be filled with NULL.
    Example: xumlArray[0] = 0; xumlArray[3] = 3; will result in an array looking like [0,NULL,NULL,3].

Complex Type Mapping

Using Constructors

With JavaScript operations, you can create objects of a complex type that has been defined in your data model. This is done by calling the constructor of the type, which is already included in JavaScript.

  • The constructor can be invoked with the operator new.

  • The constructor name is created by simply replacing the dots of the full object type (with all packages, without the object type prefix) with underscores.


Have a look at the PasswordGenerator class of the JavaScript_PasswortGenerator_Example:



Click here to download a simple example model that shows how you can use JavaScript in Scheer PAS Designer.

The PasswordGenerator class resides in package Service. The full object type additionally is defined by a prefix urn and the (not visible) root package Data_Model.

Custom Type

Full Object Type


Constructor Name


Constructor Call

let myObject = new Data_Model_Service_PasswordGenerator();

For base types, this is similar:

Base Type

Full Object Type


Constructor Name


Constructor Call

let myObject = new Base_Types_String();
let myObject = new Base_Components_Basic_Behavior_DateTime_DurationStructure();

Do not use underscores in your package or class names if you want to use these types in JavaScript as this may lead to conflicts with the name of the constructor.
For example, the constructor's name of the two full object types

  • Service.PasswordGenerator

  • Service_PasswordGenerator

would be the same. In such cases the behavior is explicitly undefined.

Mixing Complex xUML Objects with JavaScript Objects

JavaScript is dynamic while the xUML code of the Designer is well-regulated. When mixing Designer objects of complex type with JavaScript objects, the following rules apply:

  • Objects of complex type can be treated like any other JavaScript object.

  • JavaScript is a dynamic language, and you can add additional properties to a complex type at any time using the dot notation. Such fields will, however, vanish when the script finishes. They exist only in this single instance of the JavaScript operation and cannot be returned to the Designer.

  • Thus, if JavaScript objects are directly assigned to objects of Designer complex types, only the properties that are already defined on the Designer type are set.


Polymorphism is not implemented. The assignment of derived object types will be treated like an assignment between an object of complex type and a JavaScript object. The relation between parent and child classes is lost in a JavaScript operation.


We have a type Person that describes a person. An Employee is a special person (with all properties of a person) and an additional property company:

Action Script Input Parameters

Action Script Code

Output Parameter


{name: "John Doe"}

set person = employee;


{name: "James Smith",
 company: "Scheer PAS"}


{name: "James Smith",
 company: "Scheer PAS"}

JavaScript Input Parameters

JavaScript Code

Output Parameter


{name: "John Doe"}

person = employee;


{name: "James Smith"}


{name: "James Smith",
 company: "Scheer PAS"}

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.