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Error Handling BPaaS Editor

Errors may occur during modeling in BPaaS Editor. To facilitate troubleshooting, Scheer PAS BPaaS displays appropriate error and notification messages. We have compiled an overview of the possible information and error messages in BPaaS Editor for you on this page.

Overview of the Notifications in BPaaS Editor


Possible Reasons


Further Information

An element can not be connected with itself.

You have drawn a connection from an EPC element to itself.

Delete the connection as it is not allowed to connect an element with itself.

Connecting EPC Elements

An error occurred while copying the model.

An element could not be copied correctly.

Repeat the copying process.

An error occurred while creating a new element.

When dragging an element from the sidebar, the element could not be created correctly.

Reload the page and check if the new element is displayed. If not, create the element again.

Working with BPaaS Editor

An error occurred while deleting the model. Please inform the support.

It is not possible to delete a model from the editor.

  • Try to delete the model again.

  • Inform BPaaS support about the problems with deleting the model.

Working with BPaaS Editor

An error occurred while loading the model.

A model, for example an app project or an EPC model, could not be opened correctly.

Reload the page. If the model still does not open correctly, check...

  • ... whether the model has been deleted in the meantime.

  • ... whether you still have authorization for the profile in which the model is stored.

Working with BPaaS Editor

An error occurred while saving the model.

A newly created model could not be saved correctly.

Reload the page, for example by pressing F5 on your keyboard.

Working with BPaaS Editor

An error occurred while updating the model.

Changes on the workspace could not be saved correctly.

Reload the page, for example by pressing F5 on your keyboard.

Working with BPaaS Editor

EPC is not standard compliant. Connector AND must be followed by a process step. The execution of the EPC can be erroneous.

In your model, no function was modeled as the successor of an AND connector.

  • You have not correctly continued an AND connector.

  • An AND connector must be followed by a function.

  • Change the model accordingly.

EPC is not standard compliant. Connector XOR must be followed by a event step. The execution of the EPC can be erroneous.

In your model, no event was modeled as the successor of an XOR connector.

  • You have not correctly continued an XOR connector.

  • An XOR connector must always be followed by an event, otherwise the event check cannot be entered.

  • Change the model accordingly.

EPC is not standard compliant. Event eventName must be followed by a process step or connector. The execution of the EPC can be erroneous

Another event was attached to an event.

An event must always be followed by a function. Change the model accordingly.

Erroneous connection. elementName must be the destination of the connection. The execution of the EPC can be erroneous.

A further EPC element was attached to a function.

The connection between function and EPC element was drawn incorrectly. Note that the connection must always be drawn from the execution element (for example email or form) to the function.

The selected role name is already in use.

You want to create a role in an EPC. However, the selected role name already exists.

Role names must be unique.

  • Choose a different name for the role.

  • In the role wizard, choose the option Select role instead of Create a new role and search for the already existing role.

Role-based Authorization Concept

There is more than one form or worker defined at process step functionName. The execution of the EPC can be erroneous.

Several Responsive Forms or workers were attached to a function.

  • Only one Responsive Form or one Worker can be attached to a function.

  • Also check whether several connections have been drawn to the function by a form/worker. If these overlap, this is not immediately apparent.

  • Change the model accordingly.

Warning, multiple events are marked as start event.

In the model, several events were defined as start events.

A list of the affected events is added to the warning note.

Define only one start event in an EPC.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.