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Overview of Trace Settings

In the table below, the implications of the trace settings for compiling an xUML service and running a test case are displayed.


Tracing not enabled

Tracing enabled

Trace Analyzer
(Synchronous Tracing)

No tracing information at all can be displayed.

Tracing not enabled

No tracing information is requested from the xUML Runtime.

Tracing enabled


Complete tracing information is requested from the xUML Runtime. It returns all runtime values without limitations.

Tracing can be specified on test case level.


Limited tracing information is requested from the xUML runtime. At this level, each string is truncated after 255 characters. Furthermore, only the first and the last element of an array are displayed. This option is useful for services with high data load.

Trace Analyzer
(Asynchronous Tracing)

No tracing information at all can be displayed.


No tracing information is requested from the xUML Runtime.



Complete tracing information is requested from the xUML Runtime. It returns all runtime values without limitations.

Tracing can be specified on operation level.


Limited tracing information is requested from the xUML Runtime. At this level, each string is truncated after 255 characters. Furthermore, only the first and the last element of an array are displayed. This option is useful for services with high data load

It is not possible to produce asynchronous trace data with a synchronous test case that has tracing enabled. The xUML Runtime then will send the tracing data to the synchronous test case. In this case, disable trace on the synchronous test case.

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