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Support Request for Standalone Integration (Bridge)

Please note, that the quality of your report plays a significant role in reducing time that we need to fix the problem. 

Installation Problems



Problem with Bridge Installation

If you have got a problem with installing Scheer PAS Bridge, refer to Troubleshooting Bridge Installation in the Installation Guide.

If this does not help, and you want to create a support ticket, please provide us with

  • the name of the Bridge installer file, e.g. BridgeInstaller-win32-64-7.1.0.jar

  • the installation log file you can find at <user home>\.e2ebuilder\console.install.log

Problem with Builder Installation

If you have got a problem with installing the Scheer PAS Builder, please provide us with

  • the name of the Builder plug-in file, e.g.

  • the Service Pack version of MagicDraw 18 you tried to install the Builder to

If you have got problems installing MagicDraw, please refer to the MagicDraw documentation and NoMagic support.

Problem with Analyzer Installation

If you have got a problem with installing the Scheer PAS Analyzer, please provide us with

  • the name of the Analyzer installer file, e.g. AnalyzerInstaller-7.2.0.x64.exe

  • the operating system you tried to install the Analyzer on

  • On Windows systems: Open a Command Prompt and start the installer with AnalyzerInstaller-7.x.x.x64.exe >install.log.
    This will route all error messages of the installer to a separate log file. Attach this log file to your support request.

General Problem with Bridge Operating

If you have got Bridge operating problems like e.g. with creating users or groups, proxy management, uploading the firmware, etc. continue reading to find a list of information we need to work on your problem.
If you have got service related problems, refer to xUML Service Problem further below.



Version number of the Bridge installer

Open the Bridge administration console, go to the Bridge node and copy&paste the text displayed on the Runtime tab (see Managing a Bridge Node Instance for more information).

Operating system

Operating system the Bridge is running on

log files

log files of the day, the error occurred

For each day, the Bridge creates a new log file. Each part of the Bridge writes his own log file, so you have to collect the files named <error date>.log from the following directories:

  • <bridge data directory>\servlets\logs\admin

  • <bridge data directory>\servlets\logs\bridge

  • <bridge data directory>\servlets\logs\console

  • <bridge data directory>\servlets\logs\domain

  • <bridge data directory>\servlets\logs\proxy

If you can reproduce the problem, then

  1. Activate log level Debug.
    For information on how to set the log level of a service, refer to Bridge Log Level.

  2. Reproduce the problem.

  3. Reset the log level to Info.

Collect the log files after you have done this.

Bridge does not start at all

If the Bridge does not start at all, send the log files from <bridge data directory>/servlets/logs/start*log

xUML Service Problem

If you have got problems with one or more xUML services, find below a list of information we need to work on your request.

Sample data is displayed in gray.




Version number of the xUML Runtime

If you do not know your Runtime version number, open the Bridge administration console, go to the Bridge node and look at the Runtime tab (see also Managing a Bridge Node Instance).

  • 2022.1 [BASE,SAPNW]

Operating System

Operating system the Bridge is running on

Configuration of the service

The configuration of a service consists of

bridgeserver log file 

bridgeserver log file of the day the error occurred

For each day, the Bridge creates a new log file in the following directory: <bridge data directory>\bridge_<name of the service>\logs\bridgeserver_<date>.log

You can collect the log file from this location or download it directly from the Bridge (see Logging of xUML Services).

Problem concerns a specific functionality

If your problem touches specific functionality, please prepare a minimal project that reproduces the problem and attach it to your support request.

We need: the XML model file, the compiled repository, test case(s)

Providing us with a model that requires additional backends slows down the work significantly! 

If you cannot reduce your project, send the complete Bridge project including model, compiled repository and test cases.

Step-by-step description

Provide us with a detailed, step-by-step description of how to reproduce the problem.

Add additional information about the problem / error.

The problem / error occurs

  • always

  • sometimes only

Specific Problems

If you have a specific problem, we may need additional information:



xUML service does not start

If an xUML service does not start, we need the start log of the service.

The Bridge logs startup information to a file in the following directory: <bridge data directory>\bridge_<name of the service>\logs\start.log

You can collect the log file from this location or download it directly from the Bridge (see Logging of xUML Services).

xUML services crashes

If an xUML service crashes (bug sign in the Bridge), we need the start_log (see above) and the Bridge project including model, compiled repository and test cases.

If you can not reproduce the error: 

  • If the Java adapter is used in the service, send file<bridge data directory>\bridge_<name of the service>\hs_err_pid<process_number>.log.

  • On Windows, enable full user-mode dumps in Windows Error Reporting and install the symbol xUML Runtime packages for the dump file to be created next time the service crashes. You can request the symbol packages from our support.

  • On Unix, enable core dumps. You have got two possibilities to do this:

    • Log in as Bridge user and manually start the xUML service using the command: 

      <bridge data directory>/bridge_<name of the service>/bin/ <bridge prog directory>

      Enable core dumps on the Bridge by editing file <bridge prog directory>/bin/
      Find the line

      echo ulimit -S -c 0 >> $TOMCAT_SCRIPT

      add a #-sign in front of the line (to comment this line out) it and restart the Bridge.

Compile Problems With the Builder

If you have got problems with compiling a model with the Builder, find below a list of information we need to work on your request.



Builder version

You can easily find the version number by going to the Builder > About menu.

There you can copy the whole version information by clicking Copy to Clipboard.


If exceptions occurred, send the MagicDraw log file too:

<user home>\AppData\Local\.magicdraw\<version number>\magicdraw.log

Operating System

Operating system the Builder is running on

Builder project

If possible, zip the Builder project folder and send us the whole project this way or send us all involved UML files and all required resources. Don't forget the XMI files in the import-directory.

If it is not possible to send the sources, send us the bxmi.wi file.

To find this file:

  1. Go into the .$work directory in your Bridge project.

  2. Open the file and search for the UML file causing the issues. Copy the content of the id attribute (e.g. 950939989).

  3. In .$work, open the directory having the same name as the id attribute found in the previous step.

  4. Look for file <id attribute>.bxmi.wi.

  5. Zip this file and send it to our support.

Problems with the Analyzer

If you have got problems with the Analyzer, find below a list of information we need to work on your request.



Analyzer version

You can easily find the version number by going to the Help > About menu.

There you can copy the whole version information by clicking Copy to Clipboard.

Operating System

Operating system the Analyzer is running on

Builder project

If possible, zip the Builder project folder and send us the whole project this way or send us all involved repositories and all required resources. 

Still Need Help?

  1. First of all you can consult our extensive online documentation.
    The documentation is divided into several guides:

    You can search the complete documentation using the search box in the top right. You can search a dedicated guide using the search box on the left, on top of the content tree.

  2. If you can't solve your problem with help of the documentation, you can file a ticket to our support team at
    All mails to our support mailbox will open a ticket in our service desk.
    Optionally, you may use our service desk portal. There, you can manage your tickets and raise new support requests. Using the portal requires you to register your email address, which will not take much time.

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