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POP3 Adapter Reference

Tagged Values (<<POP3Alias>>)

Tagged ValueDescriptionAllowed Values
hostPOP3 host.A valid hostname.
portPOP3 port.A valid port number.

POP3 Adapter Parameters

serverStringinSpecify the POP3 server.
portIntegerinSpecify the POP3 port.
authenticationPOP3AuthenticationinUse this parameter to provide the POP3 username and password.
deleteOnServerBooleaninSpecify whether messages that have been read should be deleted on the server.
sessionIDStringoutThis parameter returns the POP3 session ID.
messagePOP3MessageoutThis parameter returns a POP3 message.

POP3 Adapter Parameter Types


usernameStringUsername for authentication.
passwordStringPassword for authentication.
POP3MessagecontentBlobPOP3 message content.
senderStringPOP3 message sender.
recipientStringPOP3 message recipient.
dateDateTimePOP3 message date.
subjectStringPOP3 message subject.
idStringPOP3 message id.
headerParametersMIMEHeaderFieldPOP3 message header parameters.
headerBlobPOP3 message header.
messageNumberIntegerPOP3 message number.
MIMEHeaderFieldnameStringName of the MIME header.
valueStringValue of the MIME header.
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