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Publishing an API

When you have finished the configuration for an API, you have to publish it to the runtime gateway. Publishing an API is simple and can be done from any tab of the API details page. Simply click the Status drop-down in the basic settings of the API in question and select status Published:

You can only publish an API in one of the following states:

If the API cannot yet be published, the status drop-down will show a checklist. The checklist is clickable and provides the details about what information is still required before the API can be published.
If you click on a missing configuration option, the corresponding tab of the API details page will open so that you can insert the missing information:

Once the API has been published, the status in the basic settings will change to Published.

You will still be able to change the API configuration. After at least one change is made, the status will change to Unpublished Changes. You will have to Re-Publish the API to the gateway to make the modifications available. Doing so will update all information about the API in the gateway:

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