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Troubleshooting User Management

Errors may occur while working in Scheer PAS. To facilitate troubleshooting, corresponding error and notification messages are displayed in the application. The overview of error messages allows you to identify possible causes and possible solutions. It also refers to documentation pages that contain further details.

Overview of User Administration Errors


Possible Reasons


Further Information

<Valid to> cannot predate <valid from>!

In a user data sheet you have entered an earlier date in field Valid until than in field Valid from.

Change the date in field Valid until to a later date than the date in field Valid from.

Adding a User

Access denied for page <xxx>. You will be redirected.

You are not authorized to access the page you wanted to open. This may be due to a lack of permissions, for example to further Scheer PAS components.

  • Contact an administrator.

  • Contact the PAS support.

Contact the PAS Support Team

At least one profile must be assigned to a user!

You want to save a user data sheet but you did not assign any profile to the user.

Assign at least one profile to the user. Otherwise saving your data is not possible.

Connection interrupted!

Problems with the connection to your Scheer PAS system occurred. This may be due to connectivity issues or maintenance.

  • Try to reload.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Error while changing password

You changed your password but the changes are not saved. This may be due to wrong input or internet connection problems.

  • Check if your input in field Current Password.

  • Check if the new password fulfills the password criteria.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

Error while checking the ID

The system could not correctly determine whether the ID is already in use.

Try to save your data again.

Error while checking the name

The system could not correctly determine whether the name is already in use.

Try to save your data again.

Error while checking the namespace

The system could not correctly determine whether the namespace is already in use.

Try to save your data again.

Error while creating the export

The system could not create the export file correctly. This may be due to internet connection problems or corrupt export data.

  • Try selecting the content of your export again and start a new export.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Exporting User Data

Error while getting the selected entry

The system could not load the selected entry. This may be due to internet connection problems.

  • Try again later.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Working with the User Management

Error while getting total count of search results

An error occurred while determining the search results. This may be due to internet connection errors.

  • Try to reload the page.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Working with the User Management

Error while importing objects

The system could not import the objects correctly. This may be due to internet connection problems or corrupt import data.

  • Check your import file for corrupt / wrong data.

  • Use the template provided on the Import page for your import.

Importing User Data

Error while loading permission

The system could not load the selected permission. This may be due to internet connection errors or corrupt data.

  • Try again later.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Managing Permissions

Error while loading profile

The system could not load the selected profile. This may be due to internet connection errors or corrupt data.

  • Try again later.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Managing Profiles

Error while loading role

The system could not load the selected role. This may be due to internet connection errors or corrupt data.

  • Try again later.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Managing Roles

Error while loading user

The system could not load the selected user. This may be due to internet connection errors or corrupt data.

  • Try again later.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Managing Users

Error while parsing data

If you receive this error message, the system is not able to load or open permission data due to incorrect values.

Check the resource data of the permissions, in particular whether valid JSON is contained.

Managing Permissions

Error while saving

The system could not save your last action. This may be due to internet connection errors or system errors.

  • Try again.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Working with the User Management

Error while searching

An error occured while the system was determining the search results. This may be due to internet connection errors or corrupt (filter) data.

  • Try again later.

  • Try with a different search phrase.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Managing Permissions

Error while serializing permission

The permission data could not be converted into a string.

Check your input for invalid (JSON) data.

Managing Permissions

Error while serializing profile

The profile data could not be converted into a string.

Check your input for invalid (JSON) data.

Managing Profiles

Error while serializing role

The role data could not be converted into a string.

Check your input for invalid (JSON) data.

Managing Roles

Error while serializing user

The user data could not be converted into a string.

Check your input for invalid (JSON) data.

Managing Users

Errors occurred during user assignment for the following users: XXX

You tried to assign users to profiles or roles but the action failed. This may be due to internet connection or system errors.

  • Try saving your changes again.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

File is too large

The import file you are using is too big.

Make sure that the import file does not exceed 500 MB.

Importing User Data

File type is not supported

The file type of the import file you are using is not supported.

  • Use an Excel file.

  • Use the template provided on the Import page.

Importing User Data

No items selected for the export

Your want to export data but you have not selected any content to export yet.

Select the content you want to export.

Exporting User Data

Object not found!

The object you were looking for was not found by the system.

  • Try again later.

  • Try with a different search phrase.

  • Contact a system administrator who may check if the object is available in the database.

Password successfully changed

You changed your user password successfully.

There is nothing to do: This is only a confirmation message.

Please fill all required fields with valid values!

You want to create a new data sheet, but have not filled in all mandatory fields.

Fill in all mandatory fields. Otherwise saving your data is not possible.

Reconnection failed

If this message is displayed, the application cannot connect to the system. This is most likely due to internet connection problems.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

The uploaded file contains no valid objects.

The import file you are using does not contain valid data.

  • Check if your import file is empty.

  • Check your import file for corrupt or wrong data.

Importing User Data

The uploaded file is invalid.

Your imported file is corrupt.

  • Check your import file for corrupt or wrong data.

  • Use the template provided on the Import page.

Importing User Data

This name is already in use.

The name you want to use for an object is already in use.

Names must be unique, choose another name for your object.

This namespace is already in use.

The namespace you want to assign to a profile is already in use.

Namespaces must be unique, choose another identifier for the namespace.

Managing Profiles

This page could not be found.

The page you wanted to open is not found by the system. This may be due to internet connection errors.

  • Try to load the page again.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

This user name is already in use.

The user name you chose in the user data sheet is already used.

Names must be unique, choose another user name.

Managing Users

Too many files

You tried to import more than one file at once.

Upload one file at a time.

Importing User Data

User not saved!

The system could not save the user data sheet. This may be due to internet connection errors.

  • Try to save the data sheet again.

  • Check the internet connectivity.

  • Contact a system administrator.

Managing Users

User saved successfully!

The user data sheet has been saved successfully.

There is nothing to do: This is only a confirmation message.

Managing Users

User saved. Warning, the user has not been activated!

The user data sheet has been saved successfully but the checkbox User active is not activated.

If you want to activate the user, open the data sheet and tick the checkbox.

Editing a User

You don't have access to the Scheer PAS Administration Portal.

Your profile is lacking necessary permissions to enter Scheer PAS Administration.

Contact an administration user.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.