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Retiring a Client

The Status drop-down in the basic settings allows you to retire a client. A retired client is shut down, you can no longer consume APIs through this client (version):

You need to confirm the action in a separate pop-up window that also informs you about the number of active contracs for this client:


You have three options:

  • Click Retire to shut down the client. You can no longer create contracts for this client version.

  • Click View Contracts to check which contracts are currently active for this client.

  • Click Cancel to abort the action.

If you have confirmed, the status in the basic settings will change to Retired. Now, this client is not able to consume APIs any more.

You have still access to the client's configuration details in the API Management and you are still able to create a new version from it:

Undo Status "Retired"

In difference to an API (refer to Retiring an API), it is possible to reregister a retired client. The option is available to users, if an API Administrator has unregistered their client within API Management.

Users with access to API Management can use the status option on the client's details page:

Developer Portal users can find the option on top of the client card:

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