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Date Time Patterns

Scheduler patterns are used to match a date time occurrence, no matter if it represents an hour, a day, or anything else. Date time patterns are used in tagged values of a Scheduler in the component diagram.

PatternDescriptionAllowed Values / Example
aA single value. Values are always numbers except for integer

The following weekday values can be used (the part in brackets is optional):
Mon(day), Tue(sday), Wed(nesday), Thur(sday), Fri(day), Sat(urday), Sun(day)

a,b,c,d...Comma separated list of values.0,15,30,45
Mon, Wed, Fri
a-mRange of values written as <lowest value>-<highest value>.0-30

Matches every value.

Note that this sub-pattern makes obsolete all previous sub-patterns if used in a sequence.

*/aMatches every a-th value.*/30every half hour (if value is in minutes)

Patterns can be combined to a sequence. Each single pattern can be a sub-pattern in a sequence (see examples below).

Examples of a Date Time Patterns

0,2,3Matches the single values 0, 2, and 3.
10-15Matches a range of six numbers: 10,11,12,13,14, and 15.
0,2,3,10-15Matches the single values 0, 2, and 3 and the range from 10-15.
33Matches the single value 33.

Matches the range of 11 numbers: 30 to 40 inclusive.

Note that the range sub-pattern includes (and makes obsolete in this sequence) the previous sub-pattern 33.


Matches every 15-th value, e.g. every quarter of an hour (0, 15, 30, 45) if the unit is "minutes".


Matches every value, e.g. every day if the unit is "days".

30,*Matches every value as the usage of * makes obsolete all previous patterns.
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