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Client Settings

Clients must exist within the context of an organization. To view all clients your user is allowed to see, go to tab My Clients in the navigation bar. The clients are listed by organizations.

For detailed information about navigating and filtering the list refer to Working with the API Management.

You can also view the list of existing clients for an organization by navigating to the Clients tab of the organization's details page. Click on a client tile to open the client's details page. Use the details page to modify the configuration.


Basic Settings

The Overview tab displays the most important information about a client and also offers various functionalities:

UI Element



Basic Settings (available in all tabs)


Name / Description

  • Name: The name of the client is displayed in read-only mode.

  • Description: The description of the client is changeable. Click in the field and start writing if you want to alter the displayed text. Your changes are saved automatically.

This setting is valid for all versions of the client.



In this field, the current version of the client is displayed. Use the drop-down to switch between versions.To create a new version, click New Version (refer to The Concepts of API Management for detailed information).



Click Delete to remove the client. You will need to confirm the deletion in a separate pop-up window. This setting is valid for all versions of the client.



In this field, the current status of the client is displayed. Use the drop-down to change the status. A client can have the following states:





Navigation Bar

Use the navigation bar to access the various tabs of the client's details page (details of all tabs see Client Details below).

Overview Tab Settings (available only in tab Overview)



Shows the number of contracts associated with this client. Click in the URL field to copy the displayed URL.


Attached Policies

In this section, the user can see at a glance which policies are attached to this client and in which order they will be executed.  You can click on the name of a policy. This will open tab Policies where you can adapt the policies of this client.



Displays the API Key for all contracts of this client version. An API Key is automatically created when you are using a private API. To copy the API Key, click Copy to clipboard.


Useful Information

The displayed labels show some additional information about the client. The labels are interactive: Click on an entry to switch to the corresponding tab.

  • Pending Approvals: Shows the number of open approval requests from this client. Clicking the label will open tab Contracts.

  • Active Contracts: Displays the number of active contracts of this client. Clicking the label will open tab Contracts.

Client Details

In the navigation bar of the details page, you will find several tabs where you can manage the various settings of the client.


Use tab Contracts to display a list of all contracts between this client all APIs. The list includes all APIs that this client can use, and also the APIs for which this client is still waiting for approval (refer to Handling Approval Requests for details):


The Policies tab allows you to manage the policies that should be applied whenever an API invocation is made by the client. These policies are applied in addition to whatever policies are defined by the API itself. The order of the policies is important: The order in which the policies appear in the user interface determines the order they will be applied at runtime (refer to Policies > Policy Chain for details).







To add another policy to this client, click one of the Plus buttons.
You will be redirected to page Add Policy, where you can choose a policy and customize it (refer to Attaching Policies for details).



Drag the policy and drop it on the desired new place in the hierarchy.



If you want to adapt an attached policy, click Edit to open the policy configuration.



If you want to delete a policy from this client, click Delete

Refer to chapter Policies for an overview of the standard policies supplied with Scheer PAS API Management. Page Attaching Policies explains how to attach and configure a policy.


Navigate to tab Metrics to display metric information about the client. Once a client has consumed an API, you can use the Metrics tab to view basic analytics information:


Refer to Metrics for detailed information about the available options.

Change Log

Navigate to the Change Log tab if you want to see an overview of changes made for this client. All configuration changes made by API Management users associated with this client are listed here:

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