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Metadata contains information about characteristics of other data. BPaaS stores metadata for each instance, such as when the instance was created (createdAt) or by whom (createdBy). In some cases, the user can access this data in apps. For more information, see the page Showing Meta Information.





An array is a data type whose values are stored as a list. If a form field can contain several values, the values are stored as array. In Scheer PAS BPaaS, for example, this applies to the element Files Upload and in Scheer PAS Mobile to the element Camera (Mobile).



BAPI is the abbreviation for Business Application Programming Interface. BAPIs are standardized programming interfaces of SAP business objects that enable external programs to access SAP data and business processes. For an application program to use a BAPI method, it must "know" how to call the method.



BPaaS processes a workflow along the principles of an assembly line. During conventional assembly line processing containers pass through a production line. In earlier days the to be assembled product (for example a camera) was transported in trays.

Symbolically an event driven process chain (EPC) presents the assembly line, on which the data containers run. Each data container contains multiple data areas:

  • Tracking: "Routing Slips" where all previous as well as future stations are noted.

  • Workspace: Common area where any kind of data may be saved. This area is also used by the system to file system-relevant data.

  • Instance: Subarea of the workspace and the area where steadily events are filed to be saved in the database later on. 


Abbreviation for Cascading Style Sheet. CSS is a stylesheet language that allows design specifications to be separated from content as far as possible. In separate CSS files, layout, colors and typography of the content can be defined. In BPaaS, CSS instructions are stored in the element CSS.



Abbreviation for Document Object Model. Specification of an interface for accessing HTML or XML documents.



Abbreviation for Event-diven Process Chain. An EPC graphically represents business processes by mapping workflows and work steps. In Scheer PAS BPaaS, EPC models form the basis for Process Apps that make business processes directly executable.



A hashtag is a keyword, the name is composed of hash (for hash/double cross) and tag (for marking). In BPaaS you can use hashtags to keyword used elements.



When an app is called and process steps are run through, the data associated with the process is referred to as instance (see also Container).



jQuery is a free JavaScript library that provides functions for DOM navigation and manipulation. An overview of the libraries used in Scheer PAS can be found in the imprint.


Abbreviation for JavaScript Object Notation is a data format in simple, readable text form. The notation of JSON differs in some points from the JavaScript syntax. Further information on this topic can be found at



Abbreviation for Key Performance Indicator. The term from business management refers to key figures that are used to determine the progress or degree of fulfillment of important objectives.


Meta data

Also: Meta information. Metadata contains information about characteristics of other data. BPaaS stores metadata for each instance, such as when the instance was created (createdAt) or by whom (createdBy). In some cases, the user can access this data in apps. For more information, see the page Using Meta Information.

In the editor for mobile forms, there is an entire meta area where the basic data of a mobile form, such as name, background, icons etc. can be adjusted.

Mobile App

The term Mobile App is the shortened form for Scheer PAS Mobile app. With the Mobile App, forms can be executed that are optimized for use on mobile devices. The Mobile App can be downloaded from the App Store and the Google Play Store. Scheer PAS Mobile can only be used along with BPaaS.

Mobile Device

Mobile devices are devices that can be used on the road and independent of the network. The term is mostly used to describe smartphones and tablets.



Scheer PAS BPaaS is a cloud-based solution that can also be installed on-Premises at the customer's request. On-Premises means "on site" or "at the customer's own premises" and refers to the installation of the product on a customer server. Various technical requirements must be met for an on-Premises installation of BPaaS. A summary can be found on the System Requirements page.


Process App

Application that makes a business process executable.



RESTis the abbreviation for Representational State Transfer. REST formalizes the way in which mainly HTTP requests are to be made in machine-to-machine communication.


Abbreviation for Remote Function Call, a term from the SAP environment. RFC is the key term for SAP's own protocols and interfaces for processing function calls.


SAP Restifier

An SAP Restifier provides a REST interface for a specific SAP (see REST).


In computer science, the term session describes the connection between a client and a server. A session usually starts with the login and ends with the logout. If you use Scheer PAS Mobile, you can also use the Scheer PAS Mobile app offline. The session concept of the Mobile app therefore differs from the standard: A session in the mobile app expires after a time period defined by the system.


A sidebar is an area on the side of the user interface in which various functionalities are made available. In BPaaS, there is a sidebar in the cockpit as well as the New Elements Sidebar and the Edit Sidebar in the BPaaS Editor. To keep the user interface clear, all three bars can be folded in and out.

For further information about the available sidebars see pages The Sidebar and Working with BPaaS Editor.



URL is the abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL identifies and locates a resource using the necessary access method. The URL is often used to refer to the address of a website.


Abbreviation for Universally Unique Identifier. The UUID is an identification number consisting of a 16-byte number written in hexadecimal and divided into five groups.



An element in the user interface is internally called a widget. Widgets are developed using JQuery UI and are derived from the same base class. After the form has been displayed, widgets can be changed or adapted programmatically using JQuery.

German-speaking users find a list of all widgets available in BPaaS in the BPaaS Entwicklerhandbuch (German) on page Widget-Tabelle.


In data processing, a wizard is an assistent that supports the user in more complex configurations. In BPaaS, for example, the Process App Wizard helps users create a new app project, while the Column Wizard helps users configure the overview table.

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