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Menu Overview of the xUML Model Compiler

Model Compiler MenuMenu ItemHotkeyDescription
File > New From E2E Example
Creates a new UML model by using the Bridge template, which provides basic components.
File > New E2E Model
Creates a new UML model without any templates.
File > CloseCtrl+F4Closes the Model Compiler window.
Module > RefreshF5Refreshes the deployment view of the Model Compiler.
Module > MessagesCtrl+Shift+MOpens the Messages window.
Module > Settings
Opens the settings dialog of the current Builder project.

Compile > Save Before Compilation

If the checkbox is selected, the XMI file will be saved first before compiling the xUML service.
If the checkbox is not selected, and you compile the xUML service, a dialog opens, giving you the choice to save the file, discard the changes, or cancel the compilation process.
Compile > Compile F9Checks the syntax and transforms the UML model to an executable xUML service, whose repository files are stored in a JAR with .jar file extension in the repository directory.
Compile > Deploy Ctrl+F9Deploys the compiled xUML service to the E2E Bridge node instance that is defined in the UML deployment diagram.
Compile > Optimize JavaScript
Check this option to use the Closure Compiler for making JavaScript download and run faster.
Compile > Clean AllCtrl+F8Deletes the repository files of all local versions of compiled xUML services in the repository directory and all files in the working directory of the current Builder project.
This leads to a clean compilation environment. All pre-compilations of UML modules are being renewed.
Should be used, if MagicDraw could not be closed properly or you are experiencing unexpected error messages.
Run > Run
Starts the selected service in the E2E Embedded xUML Runtime.
Run > Debug
Starts the selected service in the E2E xUML Runtime in debug mode.
Run > Stop
Stops the selected service.
Run > Show Breakpoints
Shows a list with all breakpoints defined on the selected model.
Import > Import XMI File
Imports an XMI file from an arbitrary location into the Builder project.
Import > E2E Library
Imports an E2E Library.
Import > WSDL /XSD File
Imports a WSDL or an XSD from a file or URL.
Import > OpenAPI (Swagger)
Imports a Swagger OpenAPI definition.
Import > E2E SAP RFC Definition
Imports an SAP RFC definition that has been generated on an SAP system.
Import > SAP IDoc File
Imports an SAP IDoc file and creates the corresponding classes.
Import > File Resource
Imports a file resource.
Import > Java Classes / Resource Files
Imports Java classes and properties resource files.
Import > Flat File Definition
Imports flat file definitions to process flat files.
Import > UN/EDIFACT Directory Definition
Imports an EDIFACT schema you can select from a list.
Import > BPMN 2.0
Imports a BPMN 2.0 definition.
Import > MagicDraw UI Prototype
Imports a MagicDraw UI prototype.
Import > Dictionary
Imports a UI translation file.
Tools > Library Dependencies
Starts the E2E Library Dependencies viewer. This menu item is available only if the current model has imported libraries.
Tools > Components Wizard
Starts the E2E Components Wizard. This menu item is available only if the current model has no component diagram yet.
Tools > Library Wizard
Starts the E2E Library Wizard. This menu item is available only if the current model has no library diagram yet.
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