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Installing API Management

As of Scheer PAS 21.1, this installation documentation is deprecated. You should not perform an installation with the old Docker images. API Management now is part of the Scheer PAS installation and cannot be installed stand-alone.


Please consider the following prerequisites regarding Scheer PAS API Management:

The software uses Docker to run.

  • The Docker Community Editon (CE) (version 18.06 or newer) is sufficient to run the software. The provided Docker containers are Linux containers.
    Refer to the Docker documentation pages for more information on supported platforms and how to install Docker.

  • As Docker host, we support Linux, namely the following Linux distributions:

    • RedHat/CentOS

    • Ubuntu

  • The Docker tool docker-compose (version 1.23 or newer) must be installed.

Step 1: Download and Extract the Software

API Management uses Docker to provide a simple setup which is easy to update and scalable if necessary.

Make sure you have network access during the installation, because you have to download images from Docker hub.

  1. Download the following files provided by Scheer to the folder you want to install API Management to:

    api-mgmt-devportal-<VERSION>.tar API Mgmt 7.6.0

Later on, in step 6, you will need file apiman-default-config.json from archive api-mgmt-<VERSION>.zip on an API Management client, so copy the ZIP file to your client now (or later).

  1. Extract api-mgmt-<VERSION>.zip.
    Extracting this file will create a folder api-mgmt which is required permanently. It contains configuration files with sensitive data such as passwords, so access to this folder should be restricted. The Docker container however must be able to read the data.

  2. Load the Docker images:

docker image load -i api-mgmt-gateway-<VERSION>.tar
docker image load -i api-mgmt-ui-<VERSION>.tar
docker image load -i api-mgmt-keycloak-<VERSION>.tar
docker image load -i api-mgmt-devportal-<VERSION>.tar

Step 2: Configure the Installation Settings

Configure the installation settings in the Docker .env file as described below. This file resides in folder api-mgmt\single-host-setup\.

.env is a hidden file.



Default Value

Since Version


Provide your Bridge hostname(s). You may specify more than one URL as a comma-separated list.

Do not use white-spaces in this list:,


Provide the Bridge port(s). If you have added a list of Bridge URLs with setting BRIDGE_URL, the following applies:

  • If all Bridges have the same port, specify only one port here.

  • If the Bridges have different ports, specify a list of ports as a comma-separated list. The order of ports must correspond to the order of Bridge URLs.

Do not use white-spaces in this list:


API Mgmt 7.3.0


Provide the user name to access your Bridge.

If you have configured multiple Bridges with BRIDGE_URL, these credentials are valid for all Bridges. We therefore recommend to use a technical user with permissions limited to role USER.



Provide the password to access your Bridge.

If you have configured multiple Bridges with BRIDGE_URL, these credentials are valid for all Bridges. We therefore recommend to use a technical user with permissions limited to role USER.



Provide the port to access the user interface of the API Management Developer Portal.


API Mgmt 7.6.0


Provide the amount of memory that Elasticsearch can allocate.

2 GB for Elasticsearch is the default value. Please refer to the official Elasticsearch documentation for more information on memory usage and how to determine the needs for your setup (see Install Elasticsearch with Docker > Notes for production use and defaults and Setting the heap size).



Provide the hostname of your API Management HOST.

Please note that you cannot use localhost as an endpoint.


Provide the port to access the published APIs.



Define a Keycloak user.


API Mgmt 7.3.0


Set a password for the Keycloak user.


API Mgmt 7.3.0


Provide the port to access Keycloak.



Set a key to encrypt cookies. You should change the default value to an alphanumeric string with 32 characters.
We recommend to use a password generator to generate a random password.

This setting is optional and only necessary if you want to use Kibana to analyze your API metrics.


API Mgmt 7.4.0


Provide the port to access Kibana.

This setting is optional and only necessary if you want to use Kibana to analyze your API metrics.


API Mgmt 7.4.0 


Set a password for the Keycloak database connection.



Set a root password for the MySQL installation.



Specify certificate usage.

  • Leave as to true if you are using a self-signed certificate.

  • Set to false if using a valid certificate from your organization.



Provide the password of the Java truststore file that contains the certificates.
The password must be at least 6 characters long.

This password will also be used if you create a keystore with our script to generate self-signed certificates (see section Use Self-Signed Certificate below).

The password must not contain the ' sign (single quote) and $ must be escaped like $$ because it is a docker-compose specific symbol.



Provide the port to access the API Management user interface.


Step 3: Prepare the Certificate

You need a certificate to establish secure connections between clients and API Management, as well as between the different components of API Management itself. You can use an official certificate, or you can create a self-signed one.
Refer to Certificates and Keystores for more information on certificate and keystore handling.

We recommend using an official and valid certificate.

Folder api-mgmt\configs already contains an example structure of the needed files.

This setup is designed to run on one host only. The SSL KeyStore is shared between all services.

Use Official Certificate

To use your official certificate, proceed as follows:

  1. Copy apiman.jks and the tls files of your certificate (tls.crt and tls.key) to folder api-mgmt\configs (see example structure).

  2. Create a Java keystore which includes the certificate. The keystore must be secured by a store password. Assign the name apiman.jks to the keystore file.
    Refer to Certificates and Keystores for some hints on certificate handling.

  3. Update the following entries in the Docker .env file (see table above for details):

    • Update entry TRUSTSTORE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD with the store password.

    • Set entry SELF_SIGNED to false.

If you have certificates and intermediate certificates, please consult the keycloak documentation Keycloak Docker image > Setting up TLS(SSL).

Use Self-Signed Certificate

If you do not possess a valid certificate, you can create a self-signed one. You can use Java Keytool to do this.

  1. Check the folder permissions. Docker should be able to write to the folder and execute programs in the folder (Linux folder permission 300).

  2. Generate a keystore. To do this, run the following command from folder api-mgmt/single-host-setup (folder containing the file docker-compose.yml):

    docker-compose run --no-deps --rm --entrypoint '/opt/api-mgmt/' keycloak

Some shells (e.g. git bash) have problems with the path so you may have to escape the slashes with backslash like \/opt\/api-mgmt\/

  1. Copy the following generated files from folder api-mgmt/configs/ self-signed-certificates to folder api-mgmt/configs/:

    • apiman.jks

    • tls.crt

    • tls.key

Step 4: Configure the Authentication Service (Keycloak)

Keycloak is an open source identity and access management solution and is used to create and manage the users of API Management and OAuth2 secured APIs. Before you can start the Docker containers, you need to change some of the Keycloak settings in the Docker configuration file .env. The values you need to replace the default values with, are to be obtained from your Keycloak instance.

  • Start Keycloak. To do this, run the following command from folder api-mgmt/single-host-setup (folder containing the file docker-compose.yml):

    docker-compose up keycloak

    Keycloak has been started when the log reads something like

    [...] Keycloak 7.3.0 (WildFly Core 6.0.2.Final) started in 50476ms - Started 673 of 933 services [...]

Open your Keycloak URL, e.g., and login to the administration console. To login, use username and password as configured in the .env file.

  • Change the Valid Redirect URIs of the below listed clients.
    Navigate to Clients.

    You will have to change the settings for the following clients:

    • apiman

    • apimanui

    • devportal

    • kibana


Open tab Settings for each of the clients by clicking on the client ID in the list, and change the entry in field Valid Redirect URIs to match your setup:

  • For client apiman, e.g.*

  • For client apimanui, e.g.*

  • For client devportal, e.g.*

  • For client kibana, e.g. /oauth/callback

  • Now, change all default credentials for clients apiman, apimanui, apiman-gateway-api and kibana and copy the new passwords to the Docker configuration file.



Default value

Since version


Provide the secret for client apiman generated in Keycloak.



Provide the secret for client apiman-gateway-api generated in Keycloak.



Provide the secret for client apimanui generated in Keycloak.



Provide the realm public key generated in Keycloak.



Provide the secret for client kibana generated in Keycloak.


API Management 7.4.0

Do this as follows: Navigate to Clients.

You will have to change the settings for the following clients:

  • apiman

  • apiman-gateway-api

  • apimanui

  • kibana


For each client, go to tab Credentials and click Regenerate Secret. In the Docker .env file,

  • set the generated secret for client apiman to entry KEYCLOAK_APIMAN_SECRET.

  • set the generated secret for client apiman-gateway-api to entry KEYCLOAK_GATEWAY_SECRET.

  • set the generated secret for client apimanui to entry KEYCLOAK_APIMANUI_SECRET.

  • set the generated secret for client kibana to entry KEYCLOAK_KIBANA_SECRET.


In Realm Settings go to tab Keys. Navigate to tab Providers and delete provider rsa:


Next, choose rsa-generated from select box Add keystore:


In the upcoming dialog, set Key size to the maximum available value and save your changes:


Go back to tab Active and click Public key:


The key will be displayed in a separate pop-up window. Copy the key and paste it to variable KEYCLOAK_REALM-PUBLIC_KEY in the Docker .env file:


Step 5: Start All Services

All Keycloak-related settings have been configured now, and you need to stop docker-compose and restart all containers.

  1. Stop the Keycloak container by pressing Ctrl-C.

  2. Check the configuration, if necessary.

You can check, if everything has been configured, with

docker-compose config

This command will list the Docker configuration and will throw warnings, if something is still missing.

  1. Now start the containers. You can start all containers (including Kibana) or all containers except Kibana.

    Go to folder api-mgmt/single-host-setup (folder that contains the file docker-compose.yml).

Start all containers by running the following command:

docker-compose up

To run the containers in the background, use:

docker-compose up -d

To start all containers except Kibana, use:

docker-compose up ui gateway


docker-compose up -d ui gateway

Step 6: Login to API Management

Starting all services (previous step) may take some time. If the UI is not available yet, just wait a moment.

  1. Open the URL of your API Management, e.g. and log in with the standard administration user, which is admin/admin.

  2. Change the admin password to a new one of your choice as demanded on first login.

  3. Upload the initial configuration of API Management.
    To do this, go to Administration > Export/Import and import file api-mgmt/configs/bootstrap/apiman-default-config.json from api-mgmt-<VERSION>.zip. If you did not transfer the file to your client in step1, transfer this file now.

If you want to restore a backup, use the backup file instead of the default configuration (see page API Management Backup and Restore for details).

  1. Test the connection between UI and gateway.
    To do this, go to Administration > Manage Gateways and click on the name of the gateway. Then, click Test Gateway.


If the gateway configuration is correct, you will get a success message:


If the configuration is invalid, an error message will be shown including further information about the error itself:


A technical user (gateway/gateway) connects the UI of API Management with the gateway. It is highly recommended to change the default passwords for both, the admin user and the gateway user. Both passwords can be changed in Keycloak.

Further Configurations

  • Advanced Settings
    Please refer to Advanced API Management Settings for an explanation of some additional advanced settings that can be configured for API Management.

  • Kibana
    If you want to use Kibana for your reports on API Management metrics, you may want to proceed with Setting-up Kibana.

However, as Kibana get be setup any time after having installed API Management, we recommend to configure API Management first and record some API data, before using Kibana.

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