Configuring EPC Branching
Business processes usually contain multiple process branches: Processes branch off and are merged again. Different paths are possible: Process branches may run parallel and are processed independently of each other or their progress may depend on the occurrence of predefined conditions.
Scheer PAS offers solutions to both options:
| Use the AND Connector for simultaneous running process branches. If, for example, a request has to be processed by several departments, the clerks are able to save their contributions independently of each other and do not lose time waiting for one another. |
| If the next process step depends on the occurence of a specific event, you need to use the XOR Connector and define the conditions to which the next process step is tied. |
There are slight differences in use of the AND and XOR connectors in modeling. Please see the chapters AND Branching and XOR Branching for more informations regarding their characteristics.
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