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convertToFloat() Operation for Strings


set aFloat = aString.convertToFloat()
set aFloat = convertToFloat(LITERAL)


Converts the lexical representation of a float (e.g. 1.2345 ) to a Float type. The float string is considered until a non-numeric character is found (digits, signs, E and e are considered valid numeric characters for this parameter as specified in the format). The format used is: [white spaces][+|-][nnnnn][.nnnnn][e|E[+|-]nnnn]
White spaces are any tab or space character. nnnnn may be any number of digits.

If the conversion is not possible, an error message is raised (for instance: NULL strings).



Can be any variable or object attribute having the type String.  


String literal.


set aFloat = aString.convertToFloat();


Click here to download a simple example model that shows how to use Action Script to perform simple Integer, Float and DateTime calculations with Scheer PAS Designer.

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