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Proxies are not supported if the model is executed by the embedded xUML Runtime. The URL will be redirected to the service port.

Added in Builder 6.0 Each Bridge provides an Apache reverse proxy as described in Bridge Architecture. This proxy can be automatically configured by defining proxy components for SOAP and HTTP services in the component diagram. Please refer to Managing Proxy Services for more information about how to manage these proxies after deployment.

Putting a proxy component in front of a given SOAP or HTTP service is usually done by using the component wizard as described in the Creating a Component Diagram.

The proxy definitions are specified via tagged values on the <<E2ESOAPService>>.

Tagged ValueDescription
Specifies the machine port number the service is binding to. This port number can be given at the service level only.

Specifies the part of the overall URL that is mapped to the actual host name and port.

If proxyPath is used, the modeler must ensure that this value is unique within the proxy.

The path used to dispatch the request to the SOAP/HTTP service. By default, the path consists of a string unique within the proxy context having the following syntax: /<target host name>/<composite name>/<service name>. For example, assuming the xUML service shown in the component diagram above is running on, the default path would look like / A request URI starting with this path is then automatically redirected to .

Specifies the host for the proxy deployment. If localhost is used, the proxy will be created on the same host the service is deployed to. Use a dedicated host, if you want to run your proxy on a different host of the same Bridge domain.
See also externalProxyHost.
Specifies the host name as seen by the client.
  • If a server certificate is used, the certificate must be issued for this name.
  • If this tagged value is not set, the name of the node hosting the proxy is being used.
Specifies the used proxy protocol.

The following examples show how to:

  • implement a proxy server in front of the Bridge services using the http protocol
  • implement a proxy server in front of the Bridge services using the https protocol and certificates
  • implement a proxy server in front of the Bridge services using dedicated machines

Example File (Builder project Advanced Modeling/Proxy):

<your example path>\Advanced Modeling\Proxy\uml\proxyHttp.xml
<your example path>\Advanced Modeling\Proxyuml\proxyHttpDedicated.xml
<your example path>\Advanced Modeling\Proxy\uml\proxyHttps.xml
<your example path>\Advanced Modeling\Proxy\uml\proxyHttpsDedicated.xml

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