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Handling of Files

With the Filesystem adapter, you can write, read, rename, remove files and retrieve status information about a file.

Directory and File Alias

The Filesystem adapter can be configured with two different types of aliases:

  • Directory Alias
    The Directory alias specifies a path to a directory and the default encoding for the contained files. You can use it for static directory access or to define a base path and encoding for file and directory handling.

  • File Alias
    The File alias specifies a path to a file and its encoding. You can use it for static file access (see below).

Static and Dynamic Filesystem Access

You can use the Filesystem Adapter in three ways: statically, dynamically, and in a mixed mode between both.




Static access means that the path to the file/directory is defined statically to the service via an alias. Every time you use an operation of the Filesystem adapter, you need to select the related alias on the operation. The attributes of the alias are static within a service but can be changed in the service settings.


Dynamic file access means that the path to the file/directory has to be provided manually via input parameters for every usage of an operation of the Filesystem adapter.


You can also mix static and dynamic file access. All attributes that have been assigned to an adapter call via the related alias can still be overwritten manually. Or, you can configure only some attributes on the alias, and provide others dynamically.
This way, you can e.g. specify a base directory using a DirectoryAlias, and write different files to that directory. Or, specify a default encoding and write different files.

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