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PAS 23.1 Release Notes

PAS (27.11.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with multiple improvements and fixes for the Opcua Connector Service.

PAS (05.10.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with different fixes for the Builder and the Asset Repository Service.

PAS (12.09.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with multiple improvements and fixes for the Builder, the Designer and File Storage.

PAS 23.1.2 (24.08.2023)

New Features


  • Possibility to add Angular directives to form elements
    To give the developer more styling possibilities, the Form Editor now provides an attribute Custom Attributes on field level to specify Angular directives for that field. These directives must have been defined as a development kit library before. All information around changing the generated Angular application is compiled on Pro-Code Development pp..

  • Support for multi-language forms For internationalization purposes, Designer services can be extended to support multiple languages. Via pro-code development, one language file can be added for each language that should be available. The service user then can switch between the provided languages in their user profile and in the executed application.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Designer
    • Fixed a problem with large mapping literal values that freeze the Designer
    • Fixed a problem with service configurations being reset after new deployment
    • More small fixes and improvements.

PAS (09.08.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with multiple improvements and fixes for the Bridge, the Builder, the Designer and the Messaging Service.

PAS 23.1.1 (02.08.2023)

New Features

Administration and Portal

  • Enhanced xUML Service Monitor
    With this release the xUML monitoring service can also be used to monitor containerized xUML services in addition to the already implemented monitoring for services that are running in the integration component (Bridge). The monitoring services catches all thrown exceptions and, by default, reports them by email and/or JIRA. Each distinct exception (distinction per service - error category - error code - error type) will be reported once in 24 hours. The xUML Service Monitor allows further customization of the monitoring service per exception, like custom notification or defining different recipients for certain errors.

API Management

With the beta version included in this release, you have the opportunity to get a taste of the new API Management (UI) and become familiar with it. We would appreciate your feedback or suggestions on this, which you can send to us at

The beta version of the new API Management (UI) offers the following main features:

  • Entirely new modern user interface based on angular framework
  • 100% backward compatible, your existing APIs will not be affected by using the new UI
  • Improved user workflows, interactive helpers and wizards across the entire application
  • Enhanced overall integration in other PAS components like Portal Administration or Developer Portal


  • New Asset Repository
    The new Asset Repository offers the option to develop services much faster by using pre-built building blocks. With the Asset Repository, developers can now publish their libraries developed in Designer itself to make them available to other users. You decide whether you want to share them only with certain groups or publish them for all users working in the same system.
    To enable other users to make the best use of your library, it should be documented in detail. To assist you with documentation, the Publish Assets wizard includes a clearly arranged interface for documenting all included elements.
    Other users have access to these published assets via the new Asset Drawer, which is directly accessible from within the Service panel. Anyone can use the Asset Drawer to browse the list of available assets and add them to their service with just one click. Managing assets is just as easy: The Asset Drawer lets you remove used assets with one click, or swap asset versions when a newer version of an asset is available. Via the Asset Drawer you have also direct access to the asset documentation: With one click, you can open the clearly structured documentation page in a new browser tab. This allows you to consult the asset's documentation whenever necessary during the development process.
    In the first version, only libraries can be uploaded to the asset repository. This will be extended with more assets in future versions.
  • New adapters available
    • SQL Adapter
      The Designer now supports SQL. Using the SQL Adapter you can execute SQL statements and bulk fetch data. SQL support is native and you do not need to install any client tools or drivers for the supported databases. Supported databases are: DB2, Informix, InterBase, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLBase, SQLite, SQLServer, Sybase.
    • URL Adapter
      With the URL adapter, it is possible to get and post messages using the ftp, ftps, sftp, http, https, ldap and ldaps protocols.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Administration and Portal
    • The xUML Data section of the details page of a persistent state object now also shows external persistent state properties
    • Shortening of displayed column values in the administration panel for xUML service with container deployment fixed
    • Ambiguous order of xUML log entries in OpenSearch fixed
  • API Management
    • Issues with loading organization details of a non-admin user fixed
    • Basic Auth with connected JDBC datasource fixed
    • Use of UTC for Time Restricted Access Policy ensured
  • Designer
    • Multiple optimizations for the different diagram types:
      • Create call operations directly in the diagram (Mapping, Activity)
      • Change names of call operations directly in the diagram (Mapping, Activity, Execution)
      • Delete parameters of call operations directly in the diagram (Mapping, Activity)
      • Change the attributes of an element selected in the diagram in the Attributes panel
        This option is currently available for the following diagram elements: Activity diagram (Call Operation, Operation Pin), Mapping diagram (Input Parameter, Operation, Mapping Operation Pin), Execution diagram (Execution Step)

    • Better support of simple types of OpenAPI
    • Option to remove a library and change the version of a library used in the service using the context menu of the Libraries folder in the service tree
    • Option of resizing a call operation in the Activity diagram fixed
    • Performance issues after expanding the service tree fixed
  • Integration (Bridge)
    • Upgrade to xUML Runtime 2023.4
    • Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.76
  • Platform
    • Upgrade to xUML Runtime 2023.4

PAS (20.07.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with a fix for the Builder.

PAS  (13.06.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with a fix for the Designer.

PAS  (16.05.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with a fix for the Designer and the Log Analyzer.

PAS (12.05.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with fixes for the Designer, the API Gateway and the Platform Services, and with an updated 3rd party image for PostgreSQL.

PAS (26.04.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with fixes for the Designer.

PAS (21.04.2023)

Improvements and Fixes

This release comes with multiple improvements and fixes for the Designer.

PAS 23.1 (03.04.2023)


With this release the old API Developer Portal will not be part of the PAS Platform anymore. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support (

New Features

Administration and Portal

  • New sorting capabilities of the contents of the columns
    In the Administration and File Manager you now have the option to sort the entries in the individual columns in ascending and descending order.

API Management

With the alpha version included in this release, you have the opportunity to get a taste of the new API Management (UI) and become familiar with it. We would appreciate your feedback or suggestions on this, which you can send to us at


  • New SendMail Library
    The Designer's new SendMail library provides operations that allow you to easily send mails with dynamic and static content based on templates.
    The SendMail library is a default library. It is available in all namespaces without manual upload of the library.
  • Improved development process of xUML services in a separate test environment
    The whole service development process and its handling have been significantly improved. While developing a service, it is automatically and permanently compiled and deployed to a separate test environment. Changes are applied continuously. This provides the developer with much faster feedback during the development and testing of a service. Additionally, it leads to a significantly improved build time performance of the service.
  • New SAP RFC Connector
    The new SAP RFC Connector allows you to connect an SAP system to the Designer on a low-code basis and use its functions. A wizard guides you through the steps necessary to configure the connector according to your needs and select the required operations. No programming knowledge is required for this. You can use the operations of the selected SAP functions by simply dragging them from the Connectors folder of the Service Panel and dropping them on the canvas of a diagram.
  • New S3 Storage Adapter
    The S3 Adapter connects the PAS platform to AWS S3 (cloud file storage). This provides you an option to centrally store or access and download files in form of objects in a distributed environment (e.g. Kubernetes). As with the other adapters, you can simply drag operations from the service panel and use them in diagrams.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Administration and Portal
    • When deleting a file in the File Manager, the name of the file is now displayed in the confirmation dialog
  • API Management
    • Permission check (CVE-2023-28640, CVE-2022-47551) fixed
    • Validation of the configuration of an IP range via CIDR fixed
  • Designer
    • When creating an OpenAPI connector, both YAML and JSON files are now displayed when you browse for an OpenAPI file in a folder 
    • It is possible again to export folders from the Explorer
    • In the test environment, the service logs of the xUML service and the Angular Application server can be accessed directly via an icon in the Controls panel
    • The REST alias has now a valid port or no port at all after running the OpenAPI connector
    • The failing of restoring large backups due to a filestream error has been fixed
    • Possibility to generally extend the generated npmrc file with own information like e.g. a custom token through environment variables added
    • Unintended display of old values in the service tree fixed
    • Fixed problems with upload of already existing library
  • Integration (Bridge)
    • Upgraded to xUML Runtime 2023.1
    • Controlling a service without a new deployment after a shutdown is now possible
  • Platform
    • Upgraded to xUML Runtime 2023.1
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