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SQL Adapter Reference

This page explains the SQL Adapter in Bridge context. If you were looking for the same information regarding the PAS Designer, refer to SQL Adapter in the Designer guide.

Tagged Values

<<SQL Alias>>

Tagged ValueDescriptionAllowed Values
dbConnectionStringThe format of the database connection string depends on the type of the database. For more details see Database Server-Specific Notes for SQL Adapters.
dbTypeType of the database.Oracle, SQLServer, InterBase, SQLBase, ODBC, DB2, Informix, Sybase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DBTypeVariable

If the tagged value dbType is set to DBTypeValue, the dbTypeVariable tagged value is used to define the type of the database. The dbType then can be defined by a setting variable.
This is to handle the case, that you not want to hard code the dbType, but to configure it at runtime via the E2E Bridge.
See Using Global Setting Variables for more information on how to define a global setting variable in the E2E Bridge.

Use one of the listed dbTypes in the settings variable. If you configure an unknown dbType via the E2E Bridge, the xUML Runtime will throw an error on service startup.

Any global setting variable from the E2E Bridge.
Example: {{my_setting_variable}}

userDB user. Optional the password can be given after a '/'. However, this is recommended for development purposes only.Example: {{DB_USER}}/{{DB_PASSWORD}}
optionsThis tagged value can hold a comma separated list of <name>=<value> pairs. These list elements are interpreted as native options. The possible name-value pairs depend on the database type. A comprehensive list can be found at SSPROP_INIT_ENCRYPT=VARIANT_TRUE

Bridge 7 Specify here the required transaction isolation level of the SQL connection according to SQL-92 standard. Refer to Wikipedia for a detailed description of the available isolation levels.

Please note that not all databases support all levels. In this case a database-specific mapping will occur.

For persistent state databases no other than <UNSPECIFIED> and DBMS default are allowed.

DBMS defaultUse the default isolation level of the connected database system.
Read uncommittedLowest isolation level. Dirty reads allowed,  SQL adapter may fetch not-yet-committed changes of other transactions.
Read committedLock-based concurrency control.
Repeatable readLock-based concurrency control.
SerializableHighest isolation level. Lock-based concurrency control.
charsetAny database uses a charset to encode Strings. If the database uses UNICODE charsets (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32), encoding is handled automatically. If the database is not UNICODE compliant, the Bridge assumes 7-bit ASCII by default. However, in many cases it necessary to define the charset explicitly. This is done by the tagged value charset as shown below. The charset needs to be the same as defined at the database settings. All possible charset definitions are listed in section Charset Definitions.

Example: UTF-8
See Charset Definitions for a list of possible values.


You can enter a valid time zone or the value local, which uses the time zone of the xUML service. See Time Zones for a list of possible values. If timezone does not contain any content (is NULL), UTC is used.

Default is NULL

Example: "Australia/Melbourne", "CET", "Etc/GMT+10"


Added in Builder Runtime 2015.15 Specify the encoding for database access.

We recommend to use the Platform default unless you suspect an encoding incompatibility (see Troubleshooting the SQL Adapter). This option represents the former behavior and is fully backwards-compatible - means, it can be used with older xUML Runtimes.
The two other (force mode) options will be ignored by older Runtimes without warning.

Platform default (default)

Use the platform default mode. This is

  • Unicode: for Windows systems
  • non-Unicode: for all others

This option is backwards compatible to older Runtimes.

UnicodeForce Unicode mode.
non-UnicodeForce non-Unicode mode.
Connection Pooling
Added in Builder Runtime This tagged value controls the connection pooling. If true, each connection is put into a pool after use. If an SQL adapter requires a connection, it is taken from the pool. If no connection is available, a new connection is being created and put into the pool after use. The time the connection is kept in the pool depends on the other pooling parameters.
trueDatabase connections are pooled.
falseDatabase connections are not pooled.


After a given connection age (in minutes) the connection will be closed and removed from the pool.

Connection age in minutes, default is 15 minutes, -1 means forever.


Connections not used for the time specified (in minutes) will be closed and removed from the pool.
This is useful for connections going through firewalls because such connections might be cut off after some time.

Values in minutes, default is 60.


This tagged value controls how often a connection can be re-used. After the connection has been re-used for maxConnectionReuse, it will be closed and not put back into the pool. This feature has been introduced because some databases had problems if the connection was re-used too often. Value -1 means the connection will be re-used forever. In this case you should define reasonable values for maxConnectionAge or maxConnectionIdleTime (see above).


pooling is implicitly switched off.

-1connections are pooled forever
a valuenumber of connections to be pooled, default is 1000.

Note that the pooling is implicitly switched off, if maxConnectionReuse is set to 0.


String that prefixes tables and stored procedures. For example, if schema is set to S1, all tables accessing the current DB are prefixed by "S1.".

This works only if the tables are marked using the TABLE:: keyword, e.g TABLE::TEMPLOYEE in SQL statements. If you do not prefix the table name by TABLE::, the tablename is used as it is.


String that prefixes tables. For example, if tableQualifier is set to TQ1, all tables accessing the current DB are prefixed by "TQ1", e.g. TQ1TEMPLOYEE. If schema and table qualifier are given, all tables will become: <schema>.<tableQualifier><tableName>.

This works only if the tables are marked using the TABLE:: keyword, e.g TABLE::TEMPLOYEE in SQL statements. If you do not prefix the table name by TABLE::, the tablename is used as it is.

<<SQL Adapter>>

Tagged ValueDescriptionAllowed Values
aliasSpecify the SQL alias resp. the database the adapter should connect to.any valid SQL alias
actionHolds the action to perform on the database.execute (default)Execute an SQL statement.
getHandleGet a connection handle for subsequent fetchNext actions.
fetchNextFetch next record.
closeHandleClose the connection handle. If all records have been fetched, the handle is closed automatically.
dbTypeOverwrite the database type defined in the SQL alias.
prefetchedRecordsNumber of pre-fetched records. This makes sense for SQL queries, especially when using getHandle/fetchNext actions for bulk fetch use cases.
sqlHolds the SQL statement to be performed on the database.Any valid SQL statement as a string.


Tagged ValueDescriptionAllowed Values
aliasSpecify the SQL alias resp. the database to configureany valid SQL alias
actionSpecify the configuration action.setAuthentication (default)Set the authentication configuration.

SQL Adapter Parameters

sqlStringinUse this parameter to provide a dynamic SQL statement.
inputBindingsMapinUse this parameter to provide parameter/value pairs for parameterized statements.
affectedRowsIntegeroutThis parameter returns the number of rows affected by the SQL statement.

any classoutResult set of the database query.
The SQL Adapter tries to match the table column names with the attribute names of the output class. For information on type mapping refer to Database-Specific Mappings.

SQL Configuration Adapter Parameters

configurationSQLConfigurationinUse this parameter to provide SQL connection configurations. At the moment these are authentication configurations only.

SQL Adapter Parameter Types


authenticationSQLAuthenticationAn object containing the user and the password.


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