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Exchanging the JMS Provider JAR Files

  1. Remove the standard JAR files manually from the containment tree.
  2. Import the new JAR files to substitute the delete ones via Import > File Resource.
  3. Use the Edit Components Wizard to assign the imported JAR files to the JMS provider component.

Removing the Standard JAR Files

Select the relevant JAR files in the component tree and delete them. Be sure to delete both, the JAR files in the composite part and in the deployment part.

Importing the new JAR files

Import the new JAR files using the Resource Importer. Select file type JarFile and browse for the JAR files to be imported.
Refer to Importing Java Class Files and Resources for more information on how to use the Resource Importer.

Assigning the new JAR files to the JMS provider component

In the Edit Components Wizard, browse to the JMS provider template (e.g. ActiveMQ-5-2-0 Template). Note, that with behalf of the listener no JAR-files are listed in the artifact panel.

Select the imported JAR file and click  >  to deploy it.

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