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Documentation Tools

The BPaaS Editor provides you with two functionalities that support you in documenting your process:

  1. The element property Description

  2. The context menu option Generate Model Report

Maintaining Descriptions

Each element created in the BPaaS Editor contains the property field Description. Here you can record notes on the use of the element in the process.

Project and EPC Elements: The content of the Description field is only used for documentation within your project. The text is not visible to the outside.

Form Elements: If you enter text in the Description field of a form element, it is not only used for documentation purposes.

The contents of the field are also displayed to the user as a quick info when he hovers over the field. If you want to use the Description field for the documentation of form elements, make sure that it does not contain internal information.

Use the Description field of form elements to create tool tips for users.

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