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Database Server-Specific Notes for SQL Adapters

DatabaseDatabase Connection StringNotes


The database name as specified in TNSNAMES.ORA file or at <hostname>[:<port>][/<service_name>] .

The Bridge requires OCI version 7.3 or higher. The Library tries to connect to Oracle using OCI8 first. If it fails it tries to connect using OCI7.
Depending on the Oracle client, the SQL statement must not end with a semicolon (;). The semicolon may result in the error message: ORA-00911: invalid character.
Workaround: remove the semicolon.


One of the following formats:

  • "" or "@"
    Empty string or '@' character: Connects to a default database on a local server.
  • <database name> or @ <database name>
    Connects to a database with the specified name on your local server.
  • <server name>@
    Connects to a default database on the specified server.
  • <server name>@<database name>
    Connects to a database with the specified name on the specified server.
To connect to a named instance of SQL Server 2000 use <server name\instance name> instead of <server name>: <server name\instance name>@<database name> .

The Bridge uses OLE DB as the default API when working with SQL Server. The Bridge requires SQL Server OLE DB version 2.5 or higher.

  • Windows:
    When accessing a MS SQL Server through the E2E Bridge you normally need no database client tools. This is true when the MS SQL Server installation is a single installation, meaning only one MS SQL Server is installed on that machine. However, if on that machine several instances - so called "named instances" are installed, you are not able to connect to that MS SQL Server without having installed the MS SQL client tools or the MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components). The MDAC tools are included in the MS SQL Server client tools but you can also download them at
  • Linux:
    To access an MS SQL Server running on a Linux system via the E2E Bridge, you need to install the Microsoft ODBC driver for SQL Server on your Linux system. See Installing and Configuring Database Access for MS SQL Server for more information.


One of the following formats:
  • "" or "@"
    Empty string or '@' character: Connects to a default database on a default server.
  • <database name> or @ <database name>
    Connects to a database with the specified name on your default server.
  • <server name>@
    Connects to a default database on the specified server.
  • <server name>@<database name>
    Connects to a database with the specified name on the specified server.
The Bridge requires Open Client version 10.0 or higher.


Any valid DB2 connection string, which is either catalog database alias or the database name.
The catalog database stores database location information in the system database directory.
The Bridge requires DB2 CLI version 6.x or higher.
InformixAny valid Informix connection string, e.g. Server=<server name>;Database=<database name>;Client_Locale=en_us.utf8;DB_Locale=en_us.utf8
See Informix connection strings for more information.
The Bridge requires Informix CLI version 2.x or higher.


  • For local InterBase databases, this can be a file name.
  • To connect to an InterBase database on a remote server using TCP/IP, the syntax is <server name>:<filename> .
  • To connect to an InterBase database on a remote server using NetBEUI, the syntax is <server name>\<filename> .
  • To connect to an InterBase database on a remote server using SPX, the syntax is <server name>@<filename> .
The Bridge requires client API version 5.x or higher.
SQLBaseThe database name as specified in SQL.INI fileThe Bridge requires CAPI version 6.x or higher.


One of the following formats:

  • "" or "@"
    Empty string or '@' character, connects to a local server.

  • <database name> or @ <database name>
    Connects to a database with the specified name on local server.

  • <server name>@
    Connects to the specified server.

  • <server name>@<database name>
    Connects to a database with the specified name on the specified server.

<server name> in its turn can have the following formats:

  • host name[,port]
  • path name of the Unix socket that is used to connect to the server
The Bridge requires MySQL C API version 3.23.x or higher.


One of the following formats:
  • "" or "@"
    Empty string or '@' character: Connects to a local server.
  • <database name> or @ <database name>
    Connects to a database with the specified name on local server.
  • <server name>@
    Connects to the specified server.
  • <server name>@<database name>
    Connects to a database with the specified name on the specified server.
The Bridge requires libpq version 7.1.x or higher.
ODBCAny valid ODBC connection string.The Bridge requires ODBC version 3.x or higher.
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