Idea Management Process
Employees of ACME Corp. are to be given the opportunity to submit their own ideas and optimization proposals for the company's operating processes with the app Idea Management.
Irene Adler creates the ACME Idea Management project in her cockpit:

The app project Idea Management maps the associated process:

The Idea Management Process
ACME's idea management consists of several sub-processes:

Reporting Idea:
In the first step, employees can enter their idea or suggestion for improvement in the Initial Proposal form.
Checking Idea:
The employees' suggestions are then examined by the management. A proposal is then either approved or rejected.
In any case, employees receive feedback from the management. If the proposal is accepted, the employee receives a mail informing him that his proposal will be implemented.
If the suggestion is rejected, the employee receives feedback from the management by email. He can now decide whether he wants to revise his idea or not. If he decides not to revise the proposal, the process ends at this point.
Revising Idea:
If an employee wants to revise his idea, he can save his revised proposal in the Idea Revision form. His idea then runs through the approval process again. This loop can be repeated as often as required until the proposal is accepted or finally rejected.
Implementation Notice:
Once a proposal has been approved by management, the department concerned is notified by email that the proposal has to be implemented.
Reporting Idea
The idea management process is triggered when an employee enters a new proposal:

To do so, he fills in the required fields in the Initial Proposal form. The field Employee Name is prefilled using the name from the user object:

Checking Idea
In the next step the idea is examined by the management:

In the Inspection and Approval form, the management can enter comments on the idea. After examination, the manager must decide: Will he accept or reject the proposal?

No matter what the management decides: An employee receives feedback in any case.
If the proposal is accepted, the employee receives the email Confirmation.
If the proposal is rejected, the employee receives the Rejection email. However, his or her idea has not yet been finally rejected.

The Decision form shows the comments of the management and the employee can decide whether he wants to revise the proposal or not:

If he decides not to revise the proposal, the idea management process ends with the step Showing process end "rejected" and the output of a corresponding alert. However, if he wants to revise his proposal and resubmit it, the sub-process Revising Idea starts:

Revising Idea
An idea initially rejected by the management has not yet been completely rejected. Irene Adler would like to give her employees the opportunity to react to the comments of the management and to revise a rejected proposal:

If an employee decides to revise his proposal, he can enter the new text in the Idea Revision form. By clicking on the Submit button, he sends the proposal to be reviewed by the management again:

In this case, the revision jumps back to the sub-process Checking Idea and runs through the idea management process again. In contrast to the first approval, the management now also sees the Revised Proposal field. Although the field was already contained in the Initial Proposal form, it is hidden until content is entered:

Implementation Notice
If the management decides to accept a proposal, the responsible department is informed by emailV:

The process then ends with the step Showing process end "Approved", which gives the user a corresponding alert informing about the implementation of the idea:

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