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What can I check on my own?

Have you experienced problems with a Scheer PAS component and want to determine the causes? You can easily check the following points yourself together with your IT:


  • General:

    • Can the users still log in?

    • Do the users have all necessary profiles to access the processes (for further information on the necessary profiles refer to chapter Managing Profiles in the Administration Guide)?

    • Has something changed in the network structure:

      • Scheer PAS / BPaaS to Browser?

      • LDAP to Scheer PAS / BPaaS?

      • SAP to BPaaS?

    • If you work with a private internet connection, have you checked your local network for issues (e.g. have you restart your router or have you checked your connection from a second device)?

  • Scheer PAS / BPaaS on-Premises:

    • Is the server on which Scheer PAS / BPaaS is hosted running and accessible via the network?

  • LDAP:

    • Has the LDAP management user been changed?

  • SAP Connection:

    • Has anything changed in the authorizations of the SAP system user?

    • Have you changed your own RFC modules?

In Case of Problems with Process Mining

  • Have you added the service whose data is to be analyzed correctly to the collector?

  • Is the transaction logging in the Bridge activated for this service (for further information refer to xUML Service Details in the Integration User’s Guide)?

We are ready to help!

If you need assistance with using Scheer PAS, don't be desperate: We are happy to help you!

  1. First of all you can consult our complete technical documentation.
    The documentation is divided into several guides - one for each platform component.
    You can search the complete documentation using the search box on the documentation start page. You can search a dedicated guide using the search box on the left, on top of the content tree.

  2. If you can't solve your problem with help of the documentation, you can file a ticket to our support team at
    Please note the information under Filing a Support Ticket further below. All mails to our support mailbox will open a ticket in our service desk.

    Support for the Business Modeler is handled by a different support team. In case of questions regarding the Scheer PAS Business Modeler, please contact

  3. Optionally, you may use our service desk portal. There, you can manage your tickets and raise new support requests. Using the portal requires you to register your email address, which will not take much time.

To learn more about the features and how to use our service desk portal, visit The Scheer PAS Support Center.

Filing a Support Ticket

To help you with your problem, our support team needs some information on your software and environment. The information required depends on the particular PAS component for which you need help.

Please note, that the quality of your report plays a significant role in reducing time that we need to fix the problem.

You can find all component-independent as well as all component-specific information required for a support request on page Information to Include in a Support Request.

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