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Caching Resources

With the Caching Resources policy it is possible to cache requests based on their URL path, HTTP method and HTTP status code. This allows reducing overall traffic to the backend API.

If you want to cache POST requests, you have to enable stateful request payload inspection in the API Settings.

Configuration Options


Basic Configuration



Allowed Values


(Cache API responses for x seconds)

Specify a duration in seconds for how long the resources are cached (time-to-live).

any integer



Enter a regular expression that will be used to identify the REST resource to cache. This applies to the resource path from the API endpoint on.

Regular expressions must be written in Java syntax.

a valid regular expression



Specify a HTTP method to apply the path pattern to.

If you want to cache POST requests, you have to enable stateful request payload inspection in the API Settings.


Cache all allowed methods (see below).



Cache GET requests only.


Cache POST requests only.


Cache HEAD requests only.

Status Code

Specify a status code that will be used to identify the REST resource to cache.

a three-digit integer


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