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Error Handling Validation

Errors may occur while working in Scheer PAS. To facilitate troubleshooting, corresponding error and notification messages are displayed in the application. The overview of error messages allows you to identify possible causes and possible solutions. It also refers to documentation pages that contain further details.

We recommend using container deployment as the default deloyment target starting with PAS 23.1. For further information see:

If errors in the validation panel occur, try clearing the Compiler cache. This could always helpful to resolve displayed Compiler errors:


If you still meet errors during compilation or deployment after clearing the cache, export the Support Data and attach it to your support request:


Validation Panel Messages

Sample data is displayed in gray.

Validation Panel Message

Possible Reason


Further Information

An error has occurred during the compilation of the project

This error is shown if the communication with the compiler failed.

  • Try to clear the Compiler cache and deploy again.

  • If the problem persists, contact the support team.

An error has occurred during the project data preparation

This error is shown if the code preparing the zip file for the compiler encounters an error.

  • Check your code for erroneous data or bugs.

  • If the problem persists, contact the support team.

Found an element referencing a class that has not been imported.

  • A class has been removed from the used library.

  • The name of a class has been changed in the used library.

  • If interface elements have been removed, you cannot use them anymore and you need to remove them from your implementation.

  • Looking at the library documentation, you may find a new type you can use as a replacement.

REST interface classes: urn.AddressImplementation.Address.Public.Address, urn. share common class name 'Address' but class names in REST interface must be unique.

There are duplicate class names in your model.

Your BPMN model name (in our example: Address ) and a class of a BPMN message (in our example com.Address ) have the same name. Rename the BPMN or message class.

Service Panel

Version of the project ('21.2') is not compliant with semver format (major.minor.patch).

The version number of your service is not written in the correct notation.

Change the version number of your service. The number must follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0: Major.Minor.Patch. A pre-release tag is optional.

Service Deployment Details

[VALXUML] Attribute ‘@calledOperation’ on element ‘callActions’ has no (non-empty) value.

A new parameter has been added in the used library.

The operation is treated as changed operation because the interface has changed. You need to re-add the operation to the canvas with the new parameters.

[VALXUML] Attribute ‘@calledOperation’ on element ‘nodes’ has no (non-empty) value.

  • An imported library contains empty elements.

  • The name of an operation or parameter from a used library has changed.

The library developer must fix the erroneous elements before re-importing the library.

  • Changing the name of an operation is the same as removing it and adding it as a new one. You need to adjust your implementation and find the operation that replaces the used one.

  • Changing the name of a parameter is the same as removing a it adding a new one. You need to re-add the operation to the canvas with the changed parameters.

  • Changing the type of a parameter leads to the listed error in your usage service. You need to adjust your implementation so that it takes the new type into account.

[VALXUML] Attribute ‘<a property>’ is not defined on class ‘<a library class>’

  • A poperty has been removed from the used library.

  • The name of a class has been changed in the used library.

  • If interface elements have been removed, you cannot use them anymore and you need to remove them from your implementation.

  • Looking at the library documentation, you may find a new property you can use as a replacement.

[VALXUML] Attribute '@name' on element 'pins' has not a whitespace-less value.

The name of an attribute in an imported library contains whitespaces.

  • In the Designer, special characters or whitespaces are not allowed in element names. The library developer must fix the erroneous names before importing the library.

  • if you are using an SAP connector, you may have run into this compatiblity issue (see Migration Notes).

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

This error is shown when the compiler service cannot claim enough resources (memory) for itself.

  • Ask your PAS administrator to restart the compiler service.

  • If the error occurs frequently, your administrator should check whether he can permanently provide more resources for the compiler. Error writing to server

The deployment took to long and ran in a timeout.

  • Check if all service properties are set correctly. Reload the Designer and restart the deployment of your service.

  • As a workaround you can deploy the service repository file directly in the integration component (Bridge), see Deploying a Service in the Integration Component below for details.

Managing the Service Details

Trying to assign ‘<something>’ (type = ‘<a type>’) to ‘<a property>’ having the incompatible type ‘<another type>’.

The type of a property from the used library has been changed.

You need to adjust your implementation so that it takes the new type into account.

Deploying a Service to a Container

We recommend using container deployment as the default deloyment target starting with PAS 23.1. For further information see:

If the deployment from within the Designer keeps running into a timeout, you can try to deploy the compiled service directly to a container. Open the additional menu of the Controls panel and select the export option Compiled > Service. This will download a file in .rep format:


Open the PAS Administration and use the deployment wizard:


Refer to Working with the Deployment Wizard in the Administration Guide for further details.

Deploying a Service to the Integration Component

We recommend using container deployment as the default deloyment target starting with PAS 23.1. For further information see:

If the deployment from within the Designer keeps running into a timeout, you can try to deploy the compiled service directly in the integration component (Bridge). Open the additional menu of the Controls panel and select the export option Compiled > Service. This will download a file in .rep format:


Open the PAS integration component (Bridge):


Select the menu option Deployment and choose the exported .rep file of your service for upload:


In the next step, you can define if the service should be started automatically after deployment. Click Deploy to start the deployment process. You will get a notification message when the deployment has been finished:


For more information on deploying xUML service repositories to the Integration (Bridge) and explanations on all options, refer to Deployment of xUML Services.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.