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Transaction Log Levels of an xUML Service

The following transaction log levels can be set for each selected xUML service. The higher the log level the more information will be written to the log files. The log levels in the table below are cumulative and are ordered from the lowest to the highest log level. For each log level, also the information of the lower levels is logged. How to view the log is described in xUML Service Transaction Log.

Log LevelDescription
NoneNo logging will be executed.
CustomLogs everything that is written by the logger adapter (for more details, see Log Adapter).
ServiceLogs the start and the end of calls to a service operation (service interface). For example, calls to SOAP, SAPRFC, or HTTP operations.
IOExternalLogs calls of adapters that communicate with external systems like SAP, SQL, SOAP, etc. For instance, the SQL queries that are sent to the database will be logged as well. Calls via the file system and system adapter are excluded.
IOInternalLogs also calls of adapters to internal (local) resources (file system adapter and system adapter).

Logging also includes start and end time of service calls and can be used to analyze process performance. You can set the transaction log rotation interval to daily or hourly (see Preferences of an xUML Service).

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