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Form Elements

The Form Editor offers a variety of elements for your form design. In this chapter you will find an overview of each of the available form elements, describing their individual characteristics and configuration options. 

The Form Editor's elements are divided into four categories:

A separate editor is available for the modeling of forms which are optimized for execution on mobile devices. This editor contains its own mobile form elements.


The following basic form elements are available in the category General:


The elements of the category Complex contain form elements for advanced users. These elements generally require further configuration prior to use:


The category App-specific comprises elements developed specifically for use in business apps:


Elements of the category Structuring are used to increase clarity in your form's design:

Tipp for working in BPaaS Editors

  • Use a single click to set focus to a field:

  • Use a double click to mark the clicked word:

  • Use a triple click to mark the entire field's content:

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