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xUML Service Libraries

Integration applications in the Bridge are defined in UML models. Given the power and complexity of UML and the Bridge, there are many options how to define UML models. For example, it is possible to put all definitions into one big model. The drawbacks are obvious, the bigger the model becomes the longer it will take MagicDraw to load and the model compiler to compile. Additionally, if more than one modeler has to work on the given model it becomes cumbersome to do so. Thus, it makes sense to split the overall UML model into several small models (i.e. XMI files).

Nevertheless, this leads to questions of how to group these smaller models and how these models may access the content of each other. The following sections are going to answer these questions.

Example File (Builder project Advanced Modeling/E2ELibrary):

<your example path>\Advanced Modeling\E2ELibrary\uml\librarySQLQuery.xml
<your example path>\Advanced Modeling\E2ELibrary\uml\libraryUseLibrarySQLQuery.xml
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