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Onboarding Process

Before ACME Corp. welcomes a new employee on his or her first day at work, the new colleague's first day is prepared. Several departments are involved in this onboarding process and are provided with the Onboarding app for this purpose.

The app is to be managed in the ACME Onboarding Process project, which Irene Adler created in the cockpit.

In the app project Onboarding of New Employees the app is created and managed.

The Onboarding Process

On his or her first working day at ACME Corp., a new employee should already find a furnished workplace. The preparations for the onboarding are spread over several departments. Irene Adler would like to introduce the app Onboarding in order to coordinate the interaction of all players and to ensure that everything is processed on the first day of the new colleague's work.

The onboarding process comprises several sub-processes that are carried out by different actors:

  • Creating the Employee's Datasheet:
    • As soon as the HR department receives a signed employment contract, the Employee Datasheet form is filled out. The basic data of the new employee is entered here.

  • Creating a Training Plan:
    • The new employee's supervisor creates a training plan to structure the employee's first days in the company.

  • Preparing the Technical Equipment:
    • The IT department prepares the technical equipment for the new employee: An email address is created for him, his laptop is equipped with the necessary software and his work mobile phone is configured.

  • Preparing the Office:
    • The facility management has to furnish the office for the new employee. In addition, facility management has to prepare a key for the office building, which must be unlocked for the corresponding floors.
  • Feedback:
    • Once all departments have completed their tasks, the HR department is informed. The Onboarding Summary form provides the departments involved with an overview of all data saved during the process.
  • Informing New Employee:
    • Finally, an information mail is sent to the new employee, to which driving directions and information on the first day of work are attached.

Creating the Employee's Datasheet

The onboarding process is initiated by the HR department.

As soon as a signed employment contract is available, an HR employee fills out the Employee Datasheet form.

The next process steps take place in different departments. However, since the departments can perform their respective tasks independently of each other, parallel execution (modeled as AND branching in the EPC model) starts after the creation of the employee datasheet.

The following steps run in parallel: The three departments involved - Management, IT and Facility Management - each receive an e-mail informing them that they have work to do for the onboarding of a new employee. The user departments can process their specific work tasks independently of each other.

Creating a Training Plan

The superior of the new employee receives an information mail informing him when the new colleague starts so that he can create a training plan for the first days.

In the Training Plan form he can upload the created plan as a PDF file. He can also enter additional information in another field.

His onboarding tasks are then completed and he can leave the form by clicking on the Preparations Completed button.

Preparing the Technical Equipment

The IT department is also informed by email that technical preparations for the onboarding of a new employee have to be made.

Since IT has to deal with several work steps, these were modelled in the sub-EPC IT Preparations.

The sub-process IT Preparations starts with the creation of an email address for the new employee. Then the laptop and work mobile phone of the new employee must be configured. Since these two steps can be performed in parallel, AND branching is also used here. Only when both steps have been executed does the process move on to the final step Displaying IT summary:

IT creates an email address for the new colleague and enters it in the Onboarding Email form.

Subsequently, the parallel execution of the sub-EPC IT Preparations starts and the IT staff can decide which of the next steps they want to execute first.

The Onboarding Laptop form states that the computer is ready for the new employee. The IT department can also enter comments on the configuration.

When the configuration of the mobile phone is completed, the phone number is entered in the Onboarding Mobile form. Further information on the phone can be recorded in the field Mobile Notes.

Only when the two parallel steps Configuring laptop and Configuring mobile phone are completed, the IT Onboarding Summary form can be displayed.

The form provides a summary of all entries made by the IT department, which can be checked and completed again. Once all information is contained, the form is exited by clicking on the button Preparations Finished. The IT department has thus made its contribution to onboarding.

Preparing the Office

The Facility department is also informed by email that preparations must be made for a newly recruited employee. The Facility Management also has several work tasks to complete, which are modelled in the sub-EPC Facility Preparations.

The process in the sub-EPC Facility Preparations is a linear process with four steps.

In a first step, a room for the new employee's office is defined and entered in the Onboarding Office form.

Once the step Configuring key has been performed, the key number and key release information must be entered in the Onboarding Key form.

When the new employee's office is ready, this is confirmed in the Onboarding Workplace form. Additional information on office equipment can also be entered here.

Once the facility has gone through all process steps, the data is summarized the last step. The form Facility Onboarding Summary can be exited by clicking the button Preparations Finished. This indicates that the department has completed its tasks in the onboarding process.


Only when the last of the three departments has completed its work is the HR department informed by email that all preparations have been completed.

Afterwards, all participants can view the Onboarding Summary form, which provides an overview of the input of all departments.

In this step, the HR department can add comments before the form is closed by clicking on the Send Information Mail button.

Informing New Employee

When the Onboarding Summary form has been finalized, an information email is sent to the new colleague including the two attachments How to find ACME office and Informations First Working Day. A third attachment is the training plan uploaded by his superior.

The onboarding process is completed with the sending of the information mail to the new employee.

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