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The xUML Model Compiler

The xUML Model Compiler transforms UML models into executable xUML services that can be deployed to Bridge nodes. The compiled xUML service is a runtime and memory optimized representation of the information in the UML diagrams. During the compilation process, the Model Compiler produces repository files, which are size and performance optimized. It also creates the WSDL file describing the service in the Web Service Definition Language. All files are stored in a JAR file that can be loaded by the xUML Runtime.

The Builder offers the following options for each xUML service:

  • compile (check the syntax and transform UML model to an executable xUML service)

    Bridge 7.0.0-beta1 Since Bridge version 7, the Compiler does not support the old component diagram anymore. In this case, refactor your service.

  • deploy (send the JAR file with the compiled xUML service to a Bridge via HTTP)
  • delete (remove the UML model (XMI file) in the Builder project)
  • edit (open the XMI file in MagicDraw to edit it)

Refer to the following pages for more details on working with the Model Compiler:

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