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Error Handling Designer Services

Errors may occur while working in Scheer PAS. To facilitate troubleshooting, corresponding error and notification messages are displayed in the application. The overview of error messages allows you to identify possible causes and possible solutions. It also refers to documentation pages that contain further details.
If errors occur during service compilation, try clearing the Compiler cache. Using this option reinitializes the test environment:


If you still meet errors during compilation or deployment, export the Support Data and attach it to your support request:


We recommend using container deployment as the default deloyment target starting with PAS 23.1. For further information see:

Designer Services Log Messages

Message From Service Log

Possible Reason


Further Information

On service startup:

[Can not convert to datetime.]

A persisted variable of type DateTime has a wrong default value.
You may have run into this compatiblity issue.

Delete the corrupt default value from the persisted variable in question. To do this, you may have to add a default value and remove it directly afterwards.

The service log reads:

...[Error][Internal][RESTADSM][1][Error occurred during REST request. Status: "request not performed", error: "OpenSSL/3.0.8: error:0A00010B:SSL routines::wrong version number"...

when trying to access the Bridge API using the REST adapter.

You tried to access the Bridge API using the HTTPS protocol. In PAS environments, the Bridge API is running with HTTP.

Change the alias of the API call to use HTTP.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.