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Supported Browsers

BPaaS offers a variety of possible interactions with its user interface ("Rich Internet Application") and uses HTML5. While modeling, i.e. the pure arrangement of elements, does not place great demands on the browser, running Process Apps requires a powerful, modern browser with JavaScript support.

Scheer PAS supports the latest versions of the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Microsoft Edge

There are a number of other web browsers you may use, but Scheer PAS GmbH's support is limited to the browsers listed in the table above.

If the platform is called with a browser that is not supported, the following note appears on the login screen:
This version is not supported. Disable compatibility mode or update your browser to guarantee a flawless use.

Usage of Internet Explorer

If you are using Internet Explorer 11, make sure it is running in Edge mode.

Typically, browsers are set up to store the information of accessed pages in the browser cache. This means that the internet page can be called up more quickly next time. When working with a new Scheer PAS version, please make sure that your browser cache is empty. You can check the version you are currently working with in the user preferences.

To ensure that the coding of the new version is effective, you should empty the browser cache once before you start working with the new Scheer PAS version.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.