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Installing the Builder for MagicDraw 18

The (Cameo) Builder is integrated and to be used with the MagicDraw 18.0 UML Design Software. The installation of the Builder comprises three steps:

  1. Installing MagicDraw 18.0

  2. Optional: Installing the Cameo Business Modeler plugin

  3. Installing the Builder plugin


System Requirements

Builder for MagicDraw  runs on a 64 bit x86 machine. A minimum of 2 GB RAM is required.

Operating System

The following operating systems are supported by Builder for MagicDraw:

  • Windows® 10

  • Windows® 8.1

  • Windows® 7

Builder and MagicDraw Version

The Builder plugin is designed for the following MagicDraw versions:

Builder Version

MagicDraw Version

Builder 7

MagicDraw UML 18.0 SP6

Builder 6

MagicDraw UML 18.0 SP6

Please note that the Builder does not support minor MagicDraw versions such as MagicDraw 18.x.

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