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Node.js Proxy Configuration

The E2E Bridge supports deploying Node.js services using proxies. To use a proxy with your Node.js service, you need to add a proxies property to your package.json file.
is an array of JSON objects. You can specify one to multiple proxies per Node.js service. On deployment, the necessary proxy entries will be generated to the E2E Bridge.

"proxies": [{
        "protocol": "https",
        "port": 884,
        "path": "localhost/nodejs/helloworld",
        "targetHost": "localhost",
        "targetPort": 1337
protocolSpecify the protocol to use with this proxy.(tick)httpDefault.
portSpecify the proxy port.(tick)A valid port number.
pathSpecify the service path the service call should be routed to.(tick)


Specify the target host the service call should be routed to. If not specified:

  • The default target host for server mode installations is the hostname of the server.
  • The default target host for workstation installations is localhost.

For more information on installation modes, refer to Installation Modes and Bridge Domain.

To deploy a Node.js service using proxy to an E2E Bridge, the target host must have a proxy node on the E2E Bridge proxy configuration. Refer to Managing Proxy Nodes for more information on how to create a proxy node.
optionalA fully qualified hostname.
targetPortSpecify the target port the service call should be routed to.(tick)A valid port number.

The target protocol is HTTP and cannot be overridden.

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