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parseFloatExpression() Operation

set aFloat = aString.parseFloatExpression(aFormat, aLocale?)
Semantics parseFloatExpression() initializes a Float object from a string using the given format expression. The format expression is a string with placeholders for number variables. The syntax is described in Number Formatting.
SubstitutablesaString Can be any variable or object attribute having the type String.  
aFormat Can be any variable or object attribute having the type String. The pattern syntax is described in Number Formatting.

Optional variable or object attribute having the type Basic Components::Basic Behavior::NumbersLocale

This parameter can be used to define the following properties:

  • negativeSign: characters used to signify negative values. Usually '-'
  • positiveSign: characters used to signify positive values. Usually '+'
  • thousandsSeparator: characters used to separate units of thousand, e.g. ','
  • decimalPoint: e.g. '.'
  • currencySymbol: e.g. '$'
Default values are given by the system locales.
set aFloat = aString.parseFloatExpression("99.99"); 
Formatting examples can be found in Number Formatting.

Example File (Builder project E2E Action Language/BaseTypes):

<your example path>\E2E Action Language\BaseTypes\uml\formatExpressions.xml
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