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BPaaS Specifics

Availability of Additional User Data

Administrators can use section Additional Data in a user data sheet to manage additional user details such as company and contact data. In Scheer PAS BPaaS this additional information is part of the user object, thus available in your BPaaS system. For example the email address, the company or department name are available for usage in apps or for creation of role-specific filters.

The usage of user object data is explained on page Das Benutzerobjekt.

Usage of Profiles

Users of any Scheer PAS BPaaS business system need at least one BPaaS standard profile and one profile with namespace. Otherwise, they will not be able to work in the BPaaS system or save any of their work.

A design user models processes in BPaaS. But he should also be able to execute his own models, for example for testing purposes. Therefore, you will have to assign both standard profiles (bpaas_design_user and bpaas_execution_user) to a designer.

In the BPaaS cockpit, the user is able to identify all profiles with namespace that have been assigned to him. A list of all his profiles with namespace is displayed in the sidebars' tree menu. Use the Plus button to show the profiles' content including projects, app projects and process apps.

Further information about profiles in the Scheer PAS BPaaS cockpit can be found on page The Scheer PAS Cockpit.

Generally, there is no need to assign additional permissions while creating new BPaaS profiles.

Inactive Profiles

Deactivated Profiles are not available in Scheer PAS BPaaS any more. Neither will they be listed in the cockpit, nor will you be able to select them while creating new projects. If a user already created tiles for apps, that are saved in an enabled profile, the tiles will still appear in the cockpit, but in grey color:

Grey tiles cannot be executed any more.

Further information about tiles and the creation of new projects can be found on page The New Elements Sidebar.

Usage of Permissions

Administrators do not need to create new permissions for a Scheer PAS BPaaS system. The necessary permissions for the usage of the BPaaS features are assigned along with the BPaaS standard profiles.

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